this airport blows. takes forever to navigate; nearly impossible to find your way around or get any questions answered. no wonder tom hanks ended up living here for six months
In memory of JFK! ...and so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country. ~JFK (Inaugural Address January 20, 1961)
shit show: Disorganization and chaos to an absurd degree. Often associated with extreme ineptitude/incompetence and or sudden and unexpected failure. New definition?: Delta T3...
Good luck come in plenty of time the airport is in chaos, very little signage or direction I am a Delta Diamond member and I received zero assistance from Delta employees.
Si te ven con cara de turista te van a ofrecer cambiarte tu pase semanal / mensual del metro por una tarjeta para el AirTrain. Diles que no e ignóralos.
If it is insanely early or late at night and you are headed to Manhattan, a taxi is less expensive and quicker than normal. Typically I would recommend the train though. Super cheap.
John F. Kennedy International Airport is the primary international airport serving New York City. It is the busiest international air passenger gateway into North America, the 14th-busiest airport in the world, and the sixth-busiest airport in the United States.