Time Out New York: Mario Batali presents a 50,000-sq-ft gastro-playground with seven separate eateries, multiple food stores, a rooftop beer garden, a culinary bookstore and an educational center. Yum!
21 E 12th St (btwn 5th Ave & University Pl), ニューヨーク市, NY
サンドイッチ店 · Greenwich Village · 276個のヒントとレビュー
New York Habitat: It's all about the pork belly sandwich at this tiny hole-in-the-wall Cambodian spot. Get it with the blood orange lemonade and your stomach will be forever grateful.
Pete Wynn: In-house chefs make this and Living Lounge the best hostels I've ever heard of, not to mention the group activities, cleanliness, and location.