

Zero Gravity Thrill Amusement Park

Zero Gravity Thrill Amusement Park

  • Tips
    Audrey S.
    "Great staff (スタッフ) and its so much fun!"(3 つの Tips)
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  • Audrey S.
    Audrey Sleeper8月 17, 2013
    Went bungee jumping as part of GISHWHES and the staff not only knew about the scavenger hunt but were also really friendly. Great staff and its so much fun! I'll be going back soon to try the freefall
  • Robyn C.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Robyn Cronkhite12月 12, 2016
    Awesome! The staff are friendly and funny. I did the free fall, my dad bungee jumped and husband did the blast off ride . Great afternoon!
  • Lily S.
    Lily Sassafrasss7月 29, 2011
    The bungee jump doesn't look high compared to all the other attractions, but it is def alot harder to make yourself jump from a fifty foot ledge than you would think. Also the freefall-has best rush.
  • ILiveInDallas.com
    ILiveInDallas.com5月 6, 2012
    You can bungee jump, skycoast or even free fall (drop like a rock). This is a great place to take a buddy after he loses a bet.
  • Maggie B.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Maggie Brown4月 20, 2019
    This is a must for all adrenaline seekers. The free fall is so scary.
  • Kyle
    Kyle8月 12, 2011
    Nothing but net, 160 feet free fall backwards to a giant net, so awesome, cannt beat it. On the other hand, bungee, jumping from 7th story is never an easy task AT ALL!
  • Transitions® lenses
    Vote for Zero Gravity Thrill Park as a top Dallas landmark & enter to win a trip to the Galapagos Islands! #seemoresights 続きを見る
  • Josh M.
    Josh M9月 6, 2011
    I've been wanting to go to the place for years on the way or returning from kansas to houston....finally went to do the free fall and the place is only open 4pm-10pm! GODDAMNIT!
  • Transitions® lenses
    See the world in a whole new way – from 165 feet up! – at this top amusement park. And then drop all the way back down! #seemoresights
  • Tiara M.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Tiara Manguette8月 15, 2017
    Loved this!
  • Jadeユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Jade3月 12, 2015
  • Grant H.
    Grant Hileman6月 16, 2010
    I wanna do the drop zone. 160 ft freefall into a circus style net.


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  • zero gravity thrill amusement park ダラス •

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