Ville de Bruxelles/Stad Brussel/City of Brussels


(Manneken Pis)
Brussel, ブリュッセル
  • Tips
    Krishna Prasad
    "Try the belgian waffles (ワッフル) with toppings for 1 euro next to it!"(15 つの Tips)
    Daniela A.
    "The little statue wears different costumes (衣装) throughout the year."(5 つの Tips)
    Hamano T.
    "思ったより「長い」…。がっかりスポットとして有名になりすぎたせいで、逆に頻繁にコスチュームが変わる所なんかが面白かったです。"(2 つの Tips)
    "3大がっかりとかいうものの別にがっかりするもんじゃないです。小さいですけど。また、たまに服も着てるらしいです。コスチュームの一部はグランプラスの市立博物館にも展示されてます。"(2 つの Tips)
ヒントとレビューのアイコン50 件のTipとレビュー
  • ワッフル
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  • 衣装
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  • Vic F.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Vic F3月 30, 2016
  • Hamano T.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Hamano Tasuke12月 26, 2017
  • じユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    5月 2, 2019
  • 草浜
    草浜2月 24, 2023
  • 高井 田.
    高井 田9月 19, 2013
  • momokama
    momokama2月 18, 2014
  • 4sq SUs Belgiumユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    4sq SUs Belgium3月 5, 2016
    Brussels’s most stylish ketje has over 800 outfits, incl. those of Nelson Mandela and Elvis Presley! His wardrobe containing gifts from around the world, is kept at the Museum of the City of Brussels.
    VISITBRUSSELS1月 24, 2014
    This bronze statuette, created in the 17th century by J. Duquesnoy, embodies the irreverent spirit of Brussels. From being a public fountain, the little fellow has now become a legendary figure. 続きを見る
  • gav w.
    gav w7月 9, 2012
    Mostly naked, sometimes dressed-up, always smaller than you think. This lump of leaky brass is maybe not the pride of Brussels, but the waffle vendors and pick-pockets love it.
    プラス投票 2024年Dec25日
  • Ludwig V.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Ludwig Vera8月 16, 2015
    No gran cosa; pero, es parte de los motivos turísticos de Bruselas y hay que verlo, así como conocer las supuestas "historias" del "niño que mea" y orinando salvó la ciudad y otros dicen que (...)
  • D&S E.
    D&S EXPERIENCE2月 10, 2016
    Faut y passer ! Surprenant la première fois car on s'attend à un environnement plus grand. Parfois un peu de monde donc pas pratique pour les selfies. Avec de la chance, il sera en tenue ;-)
  • cirkinordekユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    cirkinordek8月 11, 2015
    Hakkında çeşit çeşit hikayeler olsa da Brüksel'e geldiğinizde görünmesi gereken çocuk. Yan sokağinda sizi muhtesem Wafflelar çikolatalar ve biralar bekliyor
  • Vicente M.
    Vicente Martinez9月 9, 2019
    Atracción de gran interés en tu visita a Bruselas. Es muy pequeñita, pero tiene su valor simbólico. Mucha gente en sus alrededores, así como tiendas y cafeterías. En ocasiones lo visten.
  • Camille G.
    Camille Goret3月 4, 2014
    Le musée de la ville de Bruxelles, a 200m de Manneken pis, heberge sa garde robe, de pls centaines de vetements. De nbses confreries et pays (urologues, bolivie, dentistes...) ont offert un costume.
  • Alan x.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Alan x el mundo10月 25, 2016
    Pequeño pero simbólico. Decenas de leyendas lo rodean. Un nuevo museo con su guardarropa se abrió a unas cuadras
  • Denise J.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Denise Jozsef8月 24, 2015
    A estátua famosa do garotinho fazendo xixi fica escondida em uma das ruas que saem na praça principal. Não se surpreenda ao descobrir que a estátua é pequenininha.
  • Aslıhan A.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Grand Place’a çok yakın bir yerde, 61cm olan ve aslı müzede sergilenen işeyen çocuk figüründeki heykel😅 özel günlere özgü kıyafetler de giydiriliyor ama biz çıplak yakaladık🙈
    プラス投票 Jan 30
  • Nikolas T.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Nikolas Tapia4月 27, 2016
    Symbol de la ville, construit en 1619 et situé au cœur historique. Assez petit mais très amusant. Il est déguisé pendant certaines dates.
  • Krishna Prasad
    Krishna Prasad7月 5, 2014
    Nice history behind this and it changes it dress for over 700 times a year for events! Try the belgian waffles with toppings for 1 euro next to it! Lots of shops selling godviva choca as well.
  • Aytac T.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Aytac Tongel7月 14, 2017
    60 cm heykeli dünyaya muhteşem pazarlamışlar
    プラス投票 Feb 11
  • J K.
    J Kofler8月 28, 2018
    Landmark of Brussels; in the vicinity of Grand Place and next to lots of shops, so no detour necessary. Don't be disappointed, he is smaller than you think. Lucky if you get to see him dressed up!
  • Brunno C.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Brunno Cavalcante5月 14, 2018
    Apesar de ser uma referência de Bruxelas, imaginei algo mais grandioso. Porém um boneco bem pequeno “mijando”. Mesmo, assim não deixe de passar por lá. Fica no centrinho de Bruxelas.
  • Christinaユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Christina3月 30, 2017
    Small guy with a large reputation!
  • Olivia W.
    Olivia Wall5月 14, 2016
    Wasn't to hard to find with a map. Smaller than we imagined but cute. Absolutely worth a visit while in Brussels!
  • eAsTiN🔵 S.
    eAsTiN🔵 Shin12月 30, 2018
    오줌싸개 소년은 오줌누는 소년을 본뜬 동상, 분수이다. 1619년 제롬 듀케뉴아가 만든 높이 약 60cm의 청동상이다. 여러 차례 도난 당하는 수난을 겪었고, 현재 설치되어 있는 동상은 1965년 복제본이다. 원래의 동상은 그랑플라스의 브뤼셀 시 박물관에 보관되어 있다.
  • Alex Z.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Alex Zhdanov12月 21, 2015
    Доброго дня) Писающий мальчик. Фонтан с питьевой водой существовал здесь уже в 14 веке и был частью системы городского водоснабжения. В 1770 году фонтан обрёл свой современный облик. Как он вам?
  • Elle D.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Elle Dorner6月 11, 2016
    Go to the City Museum if you want to see the original Manneken! And try to find out what legend is been told about this little boy ;)
  • Valentin C.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Valentin Calomme8月 21, 2015
    While admiring this Belgian landmark, go check out the Poechenellekelder (the puppet's attic in dialect). It's the bar on the right. They have countless artifacts you will want to check out
  • Ovgu C.
    Ovgu C. O.7月 26, 2015
    Manneken Pis is the symbol of the Brussel so it's a must see statue. You can reach it through a short walk from Grote Markt.
  • Gabi B.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Gabi Bulumac12月 20, 2015
    It's strange what can make a country famous 😂 Take some pictures 📸 with this funny and lovely little boy 😍
  • Alex Z.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Alex Zhdanov12月 21, 2015
    Хотите удивиться? Крошка мальчик) найдите лучше писающую девочку в тупике по адресу Impasse de la Fidélité 12. Легко найти с ресторанной улицы "Чрево Брюсселя". Она больше и забавнее)) #улыбка
  • kroshka mel
    kroshka mel8月 17, 2014
    Крошка мальчик) найдите лучше писающую девочку ы тупике по адресу Impasse de la Fidélité 12. Легко найти с ресторанной цлицы "Чрево Брюсселя". Она больше и забавнее)) снимите видео)
  • Les Auberges de Jeunesse
    "Oh my god, he's so small !" Everyone says that. But do you know that little boy is so symbolic of the free-minded spirit of the "Brusseleirs" ? But don't take a pee in the middle of Grand Place ^^
  • The Hotel. Brussels
    In 1987 Manneken Pis received company in Brussels from "Jeanneke Pis": a little girl peeing. She's not far away so visit her as well: Impasse de la Fidélité (Fidelity Alley) close to Rue des Bouchers.
  • Geneviève S.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Quoi que petit, le Manneken Pis est adorable particulièrement dans ses multiples déguisements! N'oubliez pas la Janneken Pis par exemple!
    DHR.com9月 19, 2011
    This statue of a boy urinating on the fountain is one of the most important ones in the Brussels! You can even see him wearing different costumes. This is just a short walk from the Grote-Markt.
  • Hakan G.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Hakan Gcm3月 21, 2015
    Sırf bu ünlü heykelciği görmek ve brükselin mehşur waffleını yemek için uğradığımız ve inanılmaz turist kafilesiyle karşılaştığımız yer.
  • Moe R.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Moe Rustom5月 29, 2016
    You should pass by and have a look, nothing much to it. Its not even the original one as it is been placed in a museum. But its more about what it represents.
  • Thomas C.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Thomas Craenen8月 10, 2015
    This little statue is one of Belgium's most well known figures. It often is dressed in a special outfit depending on the occasion.
  • Olympus B.
    Olympus Belgium12月 8, 2011
    Chocolates, fries or....Manneke Pis? A typically Belgian photo is best to shoot in the neighbourhood of this famous little man. Feel free to tweet it with #olympusZOB (Zoom on Brussels by @olympus_be)
  • Daniela A.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Daniela Ayers2月 27, 2016
    Good for a laugh and tourist photos. The little statue wears different costumes throughout the year.
  • drew t.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    drew tarvin4月 26, 2015
    It's a bizarre statue but the stories around it are amazing. Louis XV gave the statue a medal so French Military have to salute when they walk by.
  • Mario G.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Mario Gonzalez9月 20, 2016
    4 leyendas diferentes para este monumento pero sinceramente esperaba algo más grande para ser un símbolo de la ciudad
  • Stefanusユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Stefanus5月 21, 2017
    Monumental art, and of course great taste of waffle
  • Martin J.
    Martin Jonasson5月 2, 2023
    Just go and see him, and then go to the bar just next to it.
  • Will B.
    Will Belford8月 11, 2014
    The ultimate symbol of the city. You can't visit Brussels and not see Manneken Pis, whose outfit changes all the time.
  • Arix B.
    Arix Bi5月 10, 2015
    Travestimenti improponibili (li trovate sempre scritti in basso) è ragazzino mignon celebrato perché secondo leggende ha "eroicamente" spento la miccia di una bomba che metteva a repentaglio la citta
  • Hanneke F.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Hanneke Fialka5月 14, 2016
    Every time I visit the Manneken seems so small....Still, this iconic statue is worth the visit. Every time.
  • Quentin L.
    Quentin Lafon8月 4, 2014
    You must visit this iconic place when you are in Brussels ! Smaller than believed !
  • Mezoo Q.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Mezoo Qari4月 9, 2016
    يقع هذه النافورة في منطقة وسط البلد قريبه جدا من ساحة القصر الملكي. مسافة ١٠ دقايق مشياً. بجانبه العديد من محلات الوافل المشهورة.


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