Built in the 16 century, it was a private temple for the Maisel family. During WW2 Hitler use it as a warehouse of Jewish artifacts while planning to build the "museum of the Jewish extinct race"
Worth a visit of one wants to know about Jewish community history in Bohemia and in Prague in general. Ticket purchased here is applicable in other synagogues as well.
En el encantador y hermoso barrio judío de Praga está la Sinagoga Maisel, ahora habilitada como un museo, abierto al turismo que muestra la historia judía dentro de la República Checa, muy bonito.
As casas e os objetos de judeus foram todos preservados em Praga. Dizem que Hittler pretendia fazer o museu da raça extinta. Por isso Praga tem o museu com maior acervo judeu do mundo
Maiselova synagoga byla vybudována v letech 1590 - 1592 primasem... Židovského města Mordechajem Maiselem, který financoval rozsáhlou renesanční přestavbu ghetta. Staviteli jeho synagogy byli Josef Wahl a Juda Goldsmied de Herz.(もっと詳しく)