Second biggest square after Syntegma, very central, all 3 Hop On Hop Off lines pass by main stations, many restaurants & cafes, the best here is HONDOS center 10 floors of all you need for shopping.
Awfully neglected and dirty. Once it was the sparkling gem of the centre. Now, a hangout 4 suspicious faces, lowlifes, homeless immigrants. But amazing, old and beautiful edifices, also in bad shape
Always the purgatory of central Athens.. Useful for getting places having lots of major connections of transport, but very seedy and dodgy roads at night. Watch yourself and all your belongings
Exactly it is in thecenter but not safe when sun is out, sorry friends no offense. All shops close like 5-6 pm and i think mostly non greek people live around so ladies think twice for hotels around.
Ιδανικό μέρος για να σου κλέψουν το κινητό (μέσα από την τσέπη παρακαλώ), για ν'απολαύσεις ληστείες την ώρα που συμβαίνουν, για να αναπνεύσεις λίγο αναζωογονητικό καυσαέριο&να θαυμάσεις τον υπόκοσμο!
Atina'lı arkadaşların "gece dolaşmayın;pek Tekin değil" diyerek uyardığı meydan. Bi' nevi Ankara'nın ulusu 😁 günün ortasında zombi misali sallanan amca ve abiler görebilirsiniz 😁 çantalara dikkat
There is international press store, on the corner with Stadio street and El Venizelou. Multiple language magazines. Although last mont. Maps for greek cities as well as guides to other countries.
La verdad es que yo me pase por ahí con mi familia a las 12 de la noche antes de ver todos los comentarios de inseguridad por aquí... Se nos hizo muy tranquilo no vimos drogadictos inyectandose heroin
Stay away from that plaza, extremely dangerous! Use the underground passes to go across and noting more! It does not have anything to see. Beware of pickpockets and drug sellers
I would say it's much better now than a couple of years before with a nicely lightening at nights and an impressive fountain. However, I think it would be better as it was till 1936 with the muses!
It's considered to be the center of Athens. That said, it's colorless, strangely live, ugly. Every time they reface it, it's even worse than the last time. A shame. But, it's the center of Athens...
The hystorical part of Athes is so dirty ,everywhere are syringes from jankies on the sidewalks and on the Square of Omonoia, and the policemen do nothing about it Someone should resolve this problem.
I'm heartbroken to see the center of our city so dirty and broken down. Reparations have been improving this plaza the past few years but it still smells like piss whenever I step out of the metro
Κάποιες πλατείες δεν είναι σαν κι αυτή. Κάποια σημεία της πόλης είναι φαντάσματα. Ένα από αυτά βρίσκεται 800μ. από εδώ. Ανακάλυψέ το!
Να δούμε για πόσο η Πολιτεία (κυβέρνηση και δήμος) θα αφήνουν αυτή τη πλατεία να μετατρέπεται σε χώρο συγκέντρωσεις εξαθλιωμένων και ναρκομανών. Η βαρβαρότητα της κοινωνίας μας εδώ. Ντροπή.
The most dangerous place in Athens. Ppl say that 90% of crimes in Athens occur here. Pocketpickers and hookers. Despite of its 'convenient-looking' location, you definitely should avoid this place!!!