Luigi's or Lenny's pizza that was the battle of the best slice in my youth and it still is you can't beat a great traditional slice of NYC pizza. This is the place oh yea opened late too for the late
"Old school, new school, who cares? Honesty, integrity, quality ingredients and pride is what makes Luigi’s one of the best pies in the city. Start with a regular ($2.25) or a fresh mozzarella slice." 続きを見る
To best experience Luigi's, order a pie, rather than grabbing a slice that's been sitting out. Hot out of the oven, the crust is thinnish & chewy, dotted with charred bubbles & full of yeasty flavor. 続きを見る
Have the meatball pie. It's a local favorite--not to mention it's fame exceeds the borders of the USA. Seriously. You *need* this pizza. It'll change your life!