WIBW: Unified School District 383 manages Bishop Stadium and Track. Bishop Stadium seats 4000 spectators, and the track is opened seasonally for public use.
WIBW: Tuttle Creek Reservoir, the state's second largest impoundment, offers 12,500 acres of water and approximately 100 miles of rugged, wooded shoreline to explore.
バスケットボールスタジアム · Kansas State University · 18個のヒントとレビュー
WIBW: In more than 20 seasons, KSU has played host to some of the biggest crowds in the history of K-State basketball, a program that is accustomed to playing in front of packed houses.
2201 Kimball Ave (btwn Denison & College Ave), マンハッタン, KS
フットボール競技場 · Kansas State University · 25個のヒントとレビュー
WIBW: Originally named KSU Stadium, the facility was built at a cost of $1.6 million and financed from student fees, athletics gate receipts and contributions.