Mustafa is the Jiro of Germany. His Döner Kebab is the best thing I ate in Eastern Europe. Open 24h, there is always a 20m wait, and it's always worth it.
The most amazing street food ever. Durum with everything. Line is SUPER long always unless it is bad weather. Get a beer in the store right next to the line. Get a currywurst for an appetizer.
it's really good, but seriously, no kebap is worth waiting for more than 20mins. just never,NEVER go there around lunch/dinnertime. late evenings are the best to come by (especially in the winter)
Richtig geiler Döner!!! Das Warten lohnt sich auf jeden Fall! Dort wird mit ganz viel Liebe ein Kunstwerk aus dem Döner gemacht :) Und er ist einfach nur super frisch und lecker! Hingehen!!! ;)
I've lived in Germany and tried kebabs all over the world, but this has to be my favorite. Look at the meat on the rotating spit. A world away from any other cheapkebab place you'll find around.
Gece acıkınca deneyelim dedik. Çok önyargılıydım ama hoşuma gitti. Bu kadar malzemenin bir araya gelip de böyle bir lezzeti olacağını düşünmemiştim. Saatlerce beklenmez ama sıra azken denenebilir.
The best döner ever on earth! Should absolutely be grabbed with a bottle of ayran. You should consider getting the second one, after waiting almost an hour on the queue :) it is totally worth it
Grab an umbrella and go when it's raining, line is slightly more reasonable. Hähnchen döner mit gemüse (chicken döner kebab with vegetables) with everything is worth waiting for.
Super leckerer Döner! Immer wieder gern! Nicht nur das ganze Gemüse ist richtig geil, auch das Fleisch wird mit einer extra Soße und Gewürzen verfeinert. Und Feta-Käse gibt's immer dazu - lecker!!!
Anytime I go past this place, there is always a very long queue. I decided to check it out recently. €2,80 for a filling and tasty vegetariankebab, very good value for money!
The best Kebap we have ever had! The vegetarian version is incredible - fresh and delicious ingredients. Be prepared to wait minimum 30min even if it’s on a rainy afternoon.
Despite the huge tourist queues, you will have one of the best Doner Kebab in the city. So wait for it, grab a beer from the nearest liquor store and make friends in the line.
Ain’t no two ways about it, this is one tasty kebab. However, whether it’s worth the wait (ours was 45 mins on a random Saturday afternoon in November) depends on how many kebabs you’ve already tried.
The queue time is usually between 30min to 1.5h. Day/night/working week/weekends - doesn’t matter, there is always a queue. Make sure you don’t waste this time, bring a book, friends, enjoy!
More than 1h in the line, can't say if it's amazing or I was really hungry after waiting that much 😂 Go with friends and take your time at the line! Cheap and tasty food with some stories to tell.
The world’s best kebabs and durums. Loving the parsley and lemon juice they use with their salad. The line can stretch around the block and you can wait for up to an hour, but it’s worth it.
Tasty kebab for a good price. But need to wait a little (like two hours in a queue ) Maybe I will try it once again. Buy more expensive one. It's easier to eat it ;)
Super famous and most well-known kebab place in town. Excellent and worth the wait (sometimes longer than an hour). Be careful to not be your turn when the meat ends. Can be frustrating after one hour
As good as its reputation, secret is the bread and sauce I find. You can probably get 95% of its quality from other places. Suggest going very late at night so you don't have to wait 30min.
These are the best kebabs I've had. Get the durum with the lot. It's a long ass kebab which is delicious. The gemuse is more like a burgersandwich type thing. Same filling, slightly different taste.
LE Meilleur kebab de Berlin ! Seulement voilà, cet excellent kebab ce mérite puisque la queue dépasse allègrement les 30min d'attente. Mais cela en vaut la peine. Je recommande vivement !
Увидел фото этого ларька и подумал, что эти ребята вряд ли крутые маркетологи и популярны потому что у них реально крутой донер. Он вкусный вопросов нет, но потраченного времени все равно жаль
Самая длинная очередь в которой я стояла за кебаб.Действительно вкусный, но островатый.фишка кебаба состоит в том что они добавляют печёные овощи и сыр Фета.Стоит попробовать, хотя бы из за атмосферы
It does live up to the hype. The wait is a bit silly, but it was so good I couldnt think straight for a while after and was just aimlessly wandering the street. Kinda tastes like true loves first kiss
It absolutely worth the wait. The line to get the kebab is always long, bat it pays in the end. Delicious and unique. The attendants are a bit rude, but nothing hard to deal with. A must try in Berlin
Самое впечатляющее - это очередь 2 часа. В очередивесело, все пьют пиво из соседнего магазина и знакомятся с соседями. Шаурма огромная и вкусная до безобразия.
Many people in line waiting for the dream to happen: have a taste of this famously delicious kebap. Pro tip: send one of your friend grab a currywurst at Curry 36. Helps to wait in the queue.
Don't go away because of the always long line, the service is really good and the time flies by. Order the dürüm with or without chicken, you will be amazed! Seriously the best I ever had...
If you want to drop in, forget it. If you have an hour however I strongly recommend waiting the queue as the kebabs are out of this planet. Get the dürüm if you want the wrap, the other ones is a pita
Très bons kebabs. Un des meilleurs de Berlin paraît-il. L'attente est longue (souvent 30!minutes) mais le kebab (poulet + légumes ou végétarien) est vraiment bon !
Good food! No place to sit. you have to wait long, even 2 hours. But the taste is great. We went there late, so everybody was eating in a closed bank's atm area because it was warm. Keep that in mind.
Uma delícia. Comemos outros döner, mas este com certeza é o mais saboroso. Mesmo sendo um dos mais famosos da cidade, o preço é o mesmo de outros lugares. Vale a pena ficar na fila!
Aqui você encontra o melhor Döner de Berlim! Döner é uma comida Turca (inventada por um Turco), originada na Alemanha que ganhou sucesso no país, hoje é possível encontrar o Döner em todos os cantos!
Waited 5 mins in line & asked the 3 folks in front & back if they’ve eaten here before - all were 1st timers. Walked a few steps south for a chickenbulgogi at Gogi Boss. One of my proudest decisions
Vale a pena ficar na fila! Se não quiser comer em pé, pq é difícil achar lugar nos poucos banquinhos na rua, pode usar a mesa do restaurante ao lado, se consumir bebida deles...