A small portion of street full of restaurants, shops and bystanders. Something to see for the crowd. Not more than a single visit when you go to the temple close by.
Packed with tourists, bars, motels, food stalls and 24 hoursrestaurants. Khaosan is a prefect place to get drunk inexpensively. You could buy a liquor served in a small bucket for 200 baht.
The place is super-busy during nights. Crowded with drunk tourists, flown in on cheap flights, looking to get the "One night in Bangkok" experience. It is sad when you look at it from this perspective
Abends mutiert die Kao San zu einem riesig großen Markt. Von Souveniers bis Billigkopien wird alles verkauft. Zusammen mit den Bars in der Straße eine nette Atmosphäre.
The ~real~ touristy part of Bangkok. You go because you might as well see it for yourself. All of the bars are varying degrees of fine - choose one that speaks to you and don't think too hard.
The best area with the cheap beers and drinking all night long. Its known as the best night market in the area but sad to say, its also the filthiest. Rubbish everywhere!
Tried some scorpion! A lot of places charge to take pictures so beware of that and keep an eye on your pockets. Busiest on friday night. Barter, but beware tourists will get ripped off.
The restaurants are baits for tourists. Very crowdy but in a fun kind of way. Learn how to haggle so you won't get ripped off... Try the fried bugs. I don't recommend scorpions tho!