There's a fruit and veg stall by the WellsTerrace Underground entrance/exit most days which does great fresh produce for bargain prices. Better than you'll get in the shops. Cherrycherrycherry!
It's a quicker tube change to Victoria and Piccadilly lines than at kings cross, so if using those lines into London, change here rather than there (journey time to kingsx the same). Same applies out
How First Capital Connect is allowed to run a train service in this country is baffling. Persistently late, late, late all the time! Clean up your act, incompetent buffoons! What a disgrace.
When it's cold and you are early for your train, walk up the steps very very slowly, or just wait downstairs until you hear the beep of the train doors. But be quick.
Really, there is no exit from Finsbury park. It is an island of cold winds and late trains full of drunks trying to get to somewhere via Cambridge. Look out for the weird holes that reveal stairs on 6
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