The beach is nice and clean, not very crowded.. there is small restaurants that serve nice food and drinks. They charge you for 30k rp per person entrance fees and 50k rp for renting a chair
Offering hiking trails leading to spectacular clifftop views; spend the morning surfing the waves at the beach, then climb to top of the hillside and enjoy a sunsetpicnic!
Surfers' paradise and if it is low tight also great for swimming. The beach is clean again, it depends on the current! Relax in one of the warungs and watch out for the pro surfers!
Чтобы сюда попасть есть два пути: ехать к ресторану Klapa, платить 100,000 рупий и пользоваться услугами бассейна; ехать в сторону ресторана El Parador и спустится вниз по грунтовой дороге.
Dibandingkan dengan pantai kute,penyu,padang2,uluwatu,bluepoint,sanur,legian, tanah lot, sanur. Pantai ini yang paling bagus. Jernih. Ombaknya bagus. Pasirnya putih. Dan aksesnya gampang.
Когда-то один из самых красивых пляжей, сейчас - мекка азиатских туристов, здесь всегда шум и толчея. Наш совет приехать сюда на отливе и пойти гулять налево или направо от пляжа, где - никого!
The main beach is crowded with tourists and locals flocking in. We reached the far end of the shoreline and behind the rock formations is the quiet area.
Buraya en iyi plaj yorumu yapanlara küfür dağırcığımın tümünü bırakıp gidiyorum. Sörf tahtası ile denize girip tabut tahtası ile dönebilirsiniz. Ölmek için ideal🖕🏻
Whiter sand and bluer water than the surrounding Bali beaches. Not great for swimming but perfect for dipping your toes and watching surfers crash into the waves.
От входа правее меньше народу, я нашла маленькую пещерку с тенечком и было мне счастье. На пляж лучше приезжать до 13.00, когда воды больше он красивее, к 14.00 отлив и оголяется риф.
Bring sunblock and don't forget to drink LOTS of water! The best time to swim is early in the morning, as the day gets later the water becomes rougher and more suitable for surfing.
Pantai yg bagus buat surfing. Sunsetnya juga visible dan keren. Sayang masuknya harus pake Shuttle Bus bobrok yg sedikit pula. Jd antri pas masuk dan keluar. Tapi pantas kok dikunjungi.
Spot bagus : naik karang yang disebelah kiri. hati-hati dengan ombak yang besar tapi tenang aja, seru banget kok.. jangan lupa menjelajah pantai yang sebelah kanan yaa :D aku belom jalan kesanaa
Located on the Bukit peninsula, on the island of Bali, Indonesia.The beach provides basic accommodation and cafes for surfers and day-trippers. It is also renowned for its dangerous shorebreak.
Wajib Bawa payung/pake topi&kacamata.. klo ga mau gosong tuh kulit cz super duper HOT dan ombak lumayan besar.... jgn blnja di area karna harga ckp mahal, klo pinter nawar bolehlaaah ...
I don't like this place, you should pay for everything. For tourists, you can just go to the bar on the top and don't pay money for ace without towels!!! Exciting sunsets