The environment is good as the service. We had a great time enjoying a big screen watching games and beers out of the taps on our table. You pour your beer, you are your own waitress. Simply perfect!
Lovely interior. Brilliant idea of "tap your own beer". You can order everything except beer on the display and don`t have to wait for the service. Food was very tasty. Reservation recommended.
Great Concept Pub... order food n drinks from your table. .. taps on the table to serve pilsners to your self (Happiness).. play the music of Cove from your table as well. ..Great pub food
I had a very unpleasant situation in this place yesterday. It's a self-service bar, so I self-serviced us with clean glasses to drink form. Waiter reacted by taking my wife's phone to give us a lesson
Its a bit of fun, probably best to go with friends rather than a date though! If you're serious about beer, then probably go elsewhere and experience all Prague's amazing beers.
Ideal place for large groups. Each table has kegon tap and you can view how much you drank on screen and compete against tables. They have food but didn't get any. Pay as you drunk. Fun place
Ta nejvetsi vyhoda ze je moznost cepovani super tankovy plzne primo na stole. Ceny jsou sice sileny, ale jsme v centru no. Kazdej tde asi zkusi vodotrysk na myti sklenicek bez sklenicky :D
The Pub - Dobrá plzeň, výborná nekuracka část nahoře, dobré jidlo, ALE ... vyhněte se čemukoli s pecivem-Veškeré bylo totiž 100 let zmrazené a speciálně pro vás ho rozmrazi. Hezké, ale nedá se jíst.
Nice idea that you can pour your own beer, but staff is not friendly or helpful. they even rudely shoved a customer + yelled at him and didn't excuse when it turned out to be a misunderstanding...
Had to wait 50 minutes for a steak. Steak was bad, fries and onion rings were just okay, sauce was terrible. Waiter kept apologizing for the long wait, but unfortunately food was not worth the wait.
V ŽÁDNÉM případě nedoporučuji...obsluha katastrofální, jídlo bez chuti (pepřová omáčka představuje maggi olej vodu a par kuliček pepře a navic pekelně smrdí) dip u nachos ledový, hermelín bez koření..
Občas si dejte pozor na krádeže při sezení venku, občasná návštěva některých českých spoluobčanů je velmi rychlá a účelová. Jedno pivo a okradení sousedního stolu.
Nothing good and it is horrible place. Service is too late, I was told it will take max 40mins and it took one and half hour. All they care is keeping you long time in there to make you drink more.
Kdysi jsme tu s přáteli vyhráli páteční celorepublikovou soutěž v pití piva. Dnes sem občas zajdu na vynikající vuřty na černém pivu a pár plzniček. A odcházím povětšinou spokojen.