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Union Square


(Union Square)
Downtown San Francisco-Union Square, サンフランシスコ
  • スター
    Michelin Travel & LifestyleThe Corcoran Groupのエキスパートがこのスポットをすすめています
    • Michelin Travel & Lifestyle
    • The Corcoran Group
  • Tips
    Sokenbicha Tea
    "nice relaxing outdoor cafe with free WiFi (無料 wifi)"(5 つの Tips)
    Michelle A.
    "Ice skating (スケート) , cold weather, Christmas decors... Perfect!"(10 つの Tips)
    Jole P.
    "festive (フェスティバル) spirit- perfect hangout place"(4 つの Tips)
    Rolf L.
    "Great park (公園) for lunch"(18 つの Tips)
ヒントとレビューのアイコン50 件のTipとレビュー
  • スケート
  • 公園
  • フェスティバル
  • 無料 wifi
  • ダンス

  • 人気
  • 最近
  • BJ Y. S.
    BJ Y. S7月 6, 2011
  • Joseph Y.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Joseph Yamsanoodle7月 5, 2015
    From Christmas season. Exciting atmosphere, appealing architecture and an essence of curiosity lingers all around. You might find more than you are looking for.
    プラス投票 2週間前
  • Westfield S.
    Grab the next cable car straight for Westfield San Francisco Centre to celebrate 75 years of this city! Corazon Under the Dome is our new free animated 3D light spectacular you have to see to believe.
    プラス投票 4日前
  • The Corcoran Group
    The Corcoran Group6月 19, 2011
    An inviting oasis that is a perfect spot for a picnic, people watching, a leisurely stroll or to take work outdoors as there’s free Wi-Fi here.
    プラス投票 3週間前
  • Taylor L.
    Taylor Lee7月 31, 2018
    Find some of the best shops in Union Square - during the week you can find different art showings, and celebrations unique to San Francisco, perfect for a lunchtime stroll.
  • Jorge P.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Jorge Padilla9月 8, 2015
    Si te gusta el shopping aquí es el lugar con un macys gigante de un lado y rodeado de tiendas el parque es muy bonito ideal para sentarse y tomar alguna bebida para después continuar el viaje
  • Mike C.
    Mike Campton8月 6, 2012
    Grab some lunch, take a seat on one of the benches in the square and just enjoy watching the throngs of tourists walking around. Make sure you arrive/leave by cable car.
  • Meshari
    Meshari8月 16, 2016
    I loved this place, reminds me of London streets to some extent.. Good for shoppers..but make sure u know the locations of the stores that you're looking for.
  • Alan x.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Alan x el mundo2月 25, 2015
    La mejor vista de la plaza es desde el Cheesecake factory arriba de macy's
  • Muratユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Murat5月 21, 2019
    Great park/sq for a rest while walking around. Surrounded by chic, designer and famous shops. City tour buses stop here. Great for people watching, especially in good weather.
  • Sarah L.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Sarah Liz6月 15, 2017
    Walk around and see 4 of the Hearts of SF. They're on each corner or Union Sq. 131 in SF, find them all.
  • Pablo Ariel D.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Pablo Ariel Di Loreto11月 15, 2014
    Lindo parque. En nov 2014 agregqron pista de hielo. Para tomar algo no lo recomiendo. Si en frente (Macys) en el 8vo piso esta The Cheescake Factory con una vista al parque gloriosa. Ir de noche!!
  • Pri S.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Pri Santos8月 30, 2016
    É muito muito agradável passar uma tarde aqui, sempre tem algo acontecendo, tem também um restaurante na própria praça e outros ao redor. Traga sempre um casaquinho porque o vento não perdoa!
  • zeynep y.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    zeynep yılmaz7月 5, 2016
    çok güzel ama bir o kadar da pahalı bir mekan... ucuz ve marka ürün arıyorsanız buradaki ross mağazasına uğrayın!!!
  • Tellyson J.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Tellyson Junior4月 15, 2018
    A principal avenida de SanFran, com um mix de lojas, lanchonetes e restaurantes. A dica aqui é simples: sair andando, entrar onde achar o que quer, mas ficar atento pq nos outlets compra-se mais.
  • NJD .ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    NJD 🏇🏻9月 11, 2016
    Lori's Diner is a must for a good old fashion American Breakfast. Try the Cable car breakfast on your 1st visit!🍳☕️👌🏼💙
  • Alper C.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Alper Cengiz9月 10, 2015
    Bu sene nereye gitsem meydanı bilmemnesi tadilattaydı. Her yanı mağaza her yanı bişi. Ama şehrin göbeğinde kocaman alanı bırakmışlar adamlar mis gibi. Oturup merdivenlere etrafı seyretmeli ortamlar.
  • Nmユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Nm3月 1, 2016
    أجمل منطقة في وسط المدينة ،، وأشهر ساحة في سان فرانسيسكو .. جميلة جداً طول اليوم في الليل والنهار ،،
  • Rene T.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Rene T.2月 18, 2016
    Schlittschuhlaufen unter Palmen im Januar, das geht vermutlich nur hier am Union Square.
  • Alex A.
    Alex Azevedo9月 26, 2013
    Caminhe pelo centro de SF e aprecie a arquitetura! A U. Square é o coração de SF. Caminhe até China Town, Embarcadero e sua farmer's market e tome o bonde (linha Powell & Hide) até o Pier 39.
  • Michael A.
    Michael Alba8月 24, 2014
    Grab a snack at a nearby eatery and snag a seat on the stairs in the square to people watch, listen to music, check out the paintings, and watch life flow by.
  • Greg K.
    Greg K1月 2, 2015
    Nice place to sit and rest. Leftovers from Christmas: ice skating ring and huge Christmas tree. :)
  • Guta C.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Guta Carvalho6月 14, 2016
    Uma 25 de Março, mais organizada e mais limpa. Vive lotada. Me desapontou o fato de ter muitos sem-teto na rua.
  • José Eduardo T.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Praça no coração de São Francisco. Melhores lojas ao seu redor e bons restaurantes. Todo dia um evento diferente na praça. Vale a visita.
  • Mary Ann L.
    Mary Ann L.4月 15, 2013
    All high end stores here, parking conveniently under the Square. Hop a trolley at Powell for either Powell-Hyde (ends at Ghiradelli Squ) or Powell-Mason (ends at Bay St, Fisherman's Wharf) lines.
  • Jason W.
    Jason Williams9月 22, 2011
    Tons of shopping, Macy's store is huge (second largest department store in the country, after Macy's in New York). Seems like there is always an art festival. Easy meeting place for travelers.
  • Dan G.
    Dan González9月 8, 2014
    Trees have power outlets near them, so if you need to charge your phone or laptop, you can do it while you seat on the grass.
  • Filip L.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Filip Lazarevski2月 23, 2016
    There is a Free Walking Tour every day at 10AM starting from the red heart on Union Square! Be sure to go! It's awesome! :)
  • Nathan
    Nathan9月 3, 2012
    A switch between the 9th and 10th step will open a portal to the Union Square in NYC. But the switch slightly to the right of it will transport you to the Union Square in Denver.
  • Yoplait
    Yoplait9月 6, 2011
    Check out Union Square for great art and shopping and hop on the cable car with your family to get some beautiful and iconic city views.
  • Karenユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Karen1月 14, 2023
    Beautiful plaza. Lots of shopping in the area. Get your credit cards ready!
  • Inma S.
    Inma Serrano6月 6, 2012
    Union Square is meaninfull for me, this is the first place that I visited in SF! and where I like frequently to came back for relax, shopping and restaurants...
  • Keith B.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Keith Barrows9月 25, 2014
    Night time is very beautiful a lot of history large shops Longview very clean good place to chill.
  • ᴡ R.
    ᴡ Rosario9月 4, 2014
    Many stores! Crowded but a great place to shop, eat and just look around. Get there in cable car, is fun!
  • Keith B.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Keith Barrows1月 16, 2015
    I like going there late at night your cup of coffee from Starbucks sit there and chill out for a lil bit as I smoke my left hand cigarettes hehehe
  • Lana V.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Lana Ventura7月 16, 2016
    Great place with events or art every week end including tango first Sunday of the month!
  • Oiciruam O.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Oiciruam Ollirum6月 18, 2016
    Una de las plazas más bonitas del mundo. Punto de partida para moverte hacia donde quieras en SF.
  • Sokenbicha Tea
    Sokenbicha Tea6月 24, 2011
    Even though the area got its name from Union Army rallies during the Civil War, it now has a nice relaxing outdoor cafe with free WiFi where you can sip your refreshing Sokenbicha tea and relax.
  • Nouf - Closedユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Nouf - Closed8月 29, 2018
    Never miss the cable car experience👍🏼
  • Navjot S.
    Navjot Singh2月 10, 2016
    Awesome place to hangout during the day.. Lovely people and#lovely weather.. Feb 2016 there is a whole Lotta construction going on so nothing much to do
  • Steve B.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Steve Bellamy12月 29, 2015
    It's a surprisingly pleasant place to relax in the city after a day of shopping in all the signature stores around it.
  • Vincent P.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Vincent Pardue8月 8, 2013
    While at Union Square, don't stop in the middle of a crosswalk for any reason. People behind you are trying to cross too. By stopping, you're putting yourself & others in danger of being hit by a car.
  • Bre R.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Bre Roz4月 14, 2015
    There is some great shopping in this area, but along with the good comes the crowds. Macy's isn't anything to write home about where I am from, but it sure is nice here!
  • Sarah L.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Sarah Liz11月 26, 2014
    Get in and out and hopefully you know your products, unfortunately the sales people aren't much help or knowledgeable. I wonder if this is a training store.
  • René L.
    René LePaul9月 22, 2014
    Lots of fun! Plenty if events going on, oh and lots of shopping nearby as well!!! Great SF starting point!
  • Fi V.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Fi Vei11月 12, 2015
    SF main square, surrounded by great shops, restaurants and hotels. Don't miss the ice rink these days!
  • Bennett W W.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Bennett W Wong3月 10, 2016
    Nice outdoor spot for concerts and a very excellent spot to eat lunch on nice sunny days
  • Kushal S.
    Kushal Sanghvi7月 27, 2015
    After the pier one of the most popular address on the city!! #must visit
  • Yateema4ever
    Yateema4ever11月 10, 2015
    Loved it here .. It's warm place and good for time out & sitting for awhile & watching everything around you😍
  • Westfield S.
    Take the next cable car to Westfield San Francisco Centre and celebrate the city! Corazon Under the Dome is a free 3D light spectacular you have to see to believe, running through July 7, 2013.


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