Harapó Mókus Vendéglő
Zápor u. 69
"Fantastic Service! Delicious and huge portions! Always eat the "turogomboc" :-) and don't forget to make your reservation in time (most probably a day before)! Love this place - bite in!"
Csalánosi Csárda
Hídfő u. 16.
"Music is very nice and live played. Classic style. Portions are really large and delicious. Highly recommend."
ハンガリー料理 · $$
Pozsonyi út 12.
"One of the best and classic place I have ever been to in Budapest for a good family dinner (night out). Appreciate the service and decency of the waiter(s) and the quality of the food! A big 5 star"
Будапешт 💛
作成者 Клара104項目
Gasztro Budapest és környéke
作成者 Laura Ittzés133項目 • 1 人のフォロワー
作成者 Tomiszláv Taragyia8項目
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