

  • 9/1/2013にTim S.がSteamers Coffee Houseで撮った写真
  • 10/11/2013にBernie Z.がSteamers Coffee Houseで撮った写真
  • 10/11/2013にBernie Z.がSteamers Coffee Houseで撮った写真
  • 1/13/2013にNancy F.がSteamers Coffee Houseで撮った写真
  • 7/6/2011にLuke O.がSteamers Coffee Houseで撮った写真
Steamers Coffee House

Steamers Coffee House

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  • Mindy A.
    Mindy Arbuckle5月 28, 2011
    Ayam Atma Santah - This Atman is silence. --The Vedas
  • Mindy A.
    Mindy Arbuckle7月 3, 2011
    For the friendship of two, the patience of one is required. --Indian Proverb
  • Mindy A.
    Mindy Arbuckle4月 27, 2011
    When the mind relaxes, the gaze becomes Drishri. --Sri K. Pattabhi Jois
  • Mindy A.
    Mindy Arbuckle6月 28, 2010
    GMY will be holding our 3rd Annual Silent Auction at the studio July 1st thru July 15th, 2010. Come in and bid for good.
  • Mindy A.
    Mindy Arbuckle4月 11, 2011
    Complete peace equally reigns between two mental waves. –Swami Sivananda
  • Mindy A.
    Mindy Arbuckle7月 26, 2011
    Shake out the cobwebs of the body and free the mind.
  • Mindy A.
    Mindy Arbuckle7月 24, 2011
    We forgive the soul that has its own ancestors. --James Hillman
  • Mindy A.
    Mindy Arbuckle7月 5, 2011
    Man is an intelligence in servitude to his organs. --Aldous Huxley
  • Mindy A.
    Mindy Arbuckle4月 9, 2011
    Practice Love until you remember that you are Love. --Swami Sai Premananda
  • Mindy A.
    Mindy Arbuckle3月 8, 2011
    Meditation Circle - Intro to Mantra, March 17, 6:00-7:30, $20. Taught by GMY's founder, Mindy Arbuckle. Learn how and why we chant mantra.
  • Mindy A.
    Mindy Arbuckle5月 2, 2011
    If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one. --Mother Teresa
  • KFiles (.
    KFiles (Kelli)9月 17, 2010
    Longaberger is here! Find me and get half of ANY item thru Sept!
  • Mindy A.
    Mindy Arbuckle5月 29, 2011
    Anyone who actively practices yoga, be he young, old, or even very old, sickly or weak, can become a siddah. --Hatha Yoga Pradipika
  • Mindy A.
    Mindy Arbuckle6月 18, 2011
    Enlightenmemt is not imagining figures of light but makign the darkness conscious. --C.G. Jung
  • Mindy A.
    Mindy Arbuckle12月 7, 2010
    How do you keep your calm during the Christmas Season?
  • Mindy A.
    Mindy Arbuckle5月 14, 2011
    There is nowhere to go. You are already there. --Indian Proverb
  • Mindy A.
    Mindy Arbuckle4月 23, 2011
    Yoga: an ancient practice, a complete way of life. –Indian Proverb
  • Mindy A.
    Mindy Arbuckle5月 10, 2011
    Oneness is the secret of everything. --Swami Vivekananda
  • Mindy A.
    Mindy Arbuckle4月 27, 2011
    The mouth of the wise man is in his heart. –Benjamin Franklin
  • Mindy A.
    Mindy Arbuckle2月 18, 2011
    Life is the art of drawing without an eraser. ~John Gardner
  • Mindy A.
    Mindy Arbuckle5月 27, 2011
    I’m not interested in being a “lover”. I’m interested in only being love. --Ram Dass
  • Mindy A.
    Mindy Arbuckle5月 18, 2011
    May the Outward and Inward Man be at one. --Socrates
  • Mindy A.
    Mindy Arbuckle6月 1, 2011
    Concentraition is the secret of strength. --Ralph Waldo Emmerson
  • Mindy A.
    Mindy Arbuckle8月 26, 2010
    Instant Zen: Flow with the river and let your mind be free.
  • Mindy A.
    Mindy Arbuckle4月 19, 2011
    Yoga is the supreme secret of life. –Bhagavad Gita
  • Mindy A.
    Mindy Arbuckle8月 1, 2011
    Your eyes show the strength of your soul. --Paulo Coelho
  • Mindy A.
    Mindy Arbuckle6月 3, 2011
    Better to light the candle than curse the darkness. --Chinese Proverb
  • Mindy A.
    Mindy Arbuckle2月 5, 2011
    The real happiness of life is in doing karma. ~Rig Veda
  • Mindy A.
    Mindy Arbuckle2月 4, 2011
    Find GMY on Yelp for special deals and reviews.
  • Mindy A.
    Mindy Arbuckle2月 5, 2011
    Make the intelligent choice. Persist in your successes, not your failures. ~ Yogi Bhajan
  • Mindy A.
    Mindy Arbuckle3月 7, 2011
    When the pupil is ready the teacher appears. ~Yogai Ramacharaka
  • Mindy A.
    Mindy Arbuckle2月 4, 2011
    In this age, the role of teachers is honesty - nothing more, nothing less. they will teach others to be frank, straight forward and honest.
  • KFiles (.
    KFiles (Kelli)2月 13, 2011
    I have my catalog today. Find me for a 50% discount! :-)
  • Mindy A.
    Mindy Arbuckle2月 9, 2011
    Temper brings you trouble. Pride keeps you there. ~Swami Chinmayananda
  • Mindy A.
    Mindy Arbuckle4月 3, 2011
    There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it’s going to be a butterfly. ~ Buckminster Fuller
  • Mindy A.
    Mindy Arbuckle7月 31, 2011
    What you are comes to you. --Ralph Waldo Emmerson
  • Mindy A.
    Mindy Arbuckle4月 26, 2011
    Humility is not cowardice. Meekness is not weakness. Humility and meekness are indeed spiritual powers. –Swami Sivananda
  • Mindy A.
    Mindy Arbuckle4月 17, 2011
    Communication is an offering. –The Buddha
  • Mindy A.
    Mindy Arbuckle7月 6, 2010
    King Dancer: Let Go of Effort and Grace Flows In by Mindy Arbuckle. Read Article.
  • Mindy A.
    Mindy Arbuckle3月 8, 2011
    I want to make sure you know you are not who you think you are. ~Gangaji
  • Mindy A.
    Mindy Arbuckle7月 15, 2011
    Be the love that you seek.
  • Mindy A.
    Mindy Arbuckle9月 24, 2010
    Awareness helps us face what is with grace, courage, and discipline.
  • Mindy A.
    Mindy Arbuckle8月 2, 2010
    When you limit yourself, there is no peace.
  • Mindy A.
    Mindy Arbuckle2月 10, 2011
    It is not the language but the speaker that we want to understand. Veda Upanishads
  • Mindy A.
    Mindy Arbuckle7月 19, 2011
    There are no good pupils, there are only good teachers. --Vanda Scaravelli
  • Mindy A.
    Mindy Arbuckle7月 14, 2010
    Live Your Passion – Develop Your Self Through Yoga Teacher Training. Read more... Next training begins July 30!
  • Mindy A.
    Mindy Arbuckle4月 15, 2011
    In stillness the world is restored. –Lao Tzu
  • Mindy A.
    Mindy Arbuckle7月 7, 2011
    God is a verb. --R. Buckminister Fuller
  • Mindy A.
    Mindy Arbuckle7月 10, 2010
    Flow with Universal Energy Meditation By Mindy Arbuckle, E-RYT. Read full article...
  • Mindy A.
    Mindy Arbuckle7月 12, 2010
    Live Your Passion – Develop Your Self Through Teacher Training. Read more... Next training begins July 30!