1. Park Meadows Mall
Scooter Thompson: The Apple Store folks here are the best ever! They helped me so much!
2. Moe's Bagels
Scooter Thompson: Awesome bagel sandwiches made to order!
3. Lei Cafe
4. Jenny Lou's 婕妮璐
5. Fatburger
6. BLT Supermarket
7. 天安門東駅
8. 西単駅
Scooter Thompson: Xidan is a transfer station. Passengers for line 4 please prepare to get off the train.
9. KFC
11. Carrefour
Scooter Thompson: Plan on 20-30 minutes wait at check out. I have never quite observed anything like this. They have over 30 check stands open and each will be 16 people deep. This place must rake in the yuan.
12. Wanda Plaza
13. Vineyard Cafe
14. Hilton Beijing
15. Decathalon
16. McDonald's
Scooter Thompson: Delivery for 8 元 is hard to beat!
17. 巴贝拉意式餐厅 Babela's Kitchen 石景山万达广场店
18. Dry cleaners
Scooter Thompson: Only 3RMB for a shirt to be crisply ironed. Choose this family business vs the chains!
19. Taikoo Li Sanlitun
20. 汉拿山
21. Bellagio
22. DIY Bango
Scooter Thompson: Don't trust the scale!
23. Apple Xidan Joy City
Scooter Thompson: Great staff of Geniuses! They replaced my malfunctioning iPhone 6 in 1 hour.
24. Bellagio
Scooter Thompson: The Kung Pao chicken and shrimp are both amazingly good!
25. BNDS Library
Scooter Thompson: Really nice auditorium lecture hall housed in the circular tower wing of the library.
26. Happy Lemon
27. Material's Science & Engineering Building of USTB
28. Bellagio
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