Parking:RP2K. Phenomenal landscaping, I enjoyed the landscape more than being inside Rumah Mode. Some tops R nice but they cost more compared 2 other outlets. Avoid weekends unless u have a death wish
The nicest looking of all the factory outlets in Bandung. Love the baby / kids section which has really nice pieces. Handbags section sells replicas. Couldn't find any genuine pieces.
Let your husband enjoy his time in the coffee shop and your kids play at the children attractions provided by Rumah Mode when youre busy trying on different clothes. Ur hubby and kids wont get bored.
I never been to any factory outlet before i cant really say much, the choices are more suitable for late 30ish adults, surprised to see teenie weenie brand here lol the brand back in seoul.
Mo cari baju kluaran label branded dgn harga cukup terjangkau disini tempatnya. Range harga di atas 150rb. Tmpt ini dilengkapi dgn kafe and resto. Interesting one stop shopping.
Great collection of choices, not every brand is genuine but good quality. If you looking for quality clothes rather than branded stuff, can consider here. Some are pricey some are ok. Is all up to you
Wellorganized, nice environments, clean and comfortable. Average price for all goods which some can be cheaper at other Factory Outlet at jalan Dago/Riau.
Loved this factory outlet! =) The ambience is so cool, modern and variety of selections. Once you come here, you want to come again, shop till drop!!! =)
Walopun agak pricey untuk ukuran FO,tapii bajunya emg lucu2 bgt kog.dan klo huntingnya pinter dan sabar,pasti nemuuuu aja baju bagus dgn brand yg oke pulak.asli apa palsu yaa?! Yg penting lucuuu :D
this is the place that makes road congestion because every day is filled by the visitors, but steady for the fashion because it could interesting the visitore of town outer of Bandung.
This is where I usually find XL-sized outfits! Each Sunday there are always be special performance of local bands. Best spot for photo session: the water fountain with Rumah Mode title on it.
Rempong bangeeet daaah fiting baju disini, men only n women only... Malu kali kalo harus keluar trus ngeliatin baju yg di coba, ga semua orang mau... Pliss deh FO yg lain juga ga gini
Tempat belanja yg nyaman, kalo laper disini jg ada resto, tp CATET kalo anak2 ke toilet kudu di temani, anak gw kmrn kalungnya dijambret org di toilet...ibu2 pdhal