1. A&E Coffee Roastery
2. Mont Vernon, NH
3. A&E Coffee Roastery
4. A&E Coffee Roastery
Pete Obuchon: Make sure you order an Iced Craig...It's just that cool!
5. A&E Coffee Roastery
Bryan Archambault: VOTE 4 Craig
6. A&E Coffee Roastery
Craig Belowski: While you're there....make sure you vote for "Craig" in the MVP contest.... https://www.facebook.com/AEroastery/app_190322544333196 Thanks for the support!
7. Stards Bar and Grill
CJ Romig: Make sure you use the ball washer to clean your balls...then tip Craig when he's done. You won't regret it. {this is a golf course right?}
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