Pornrapee Abhakorn: Good Japanese inspired small coffee shop. Very good quality pastry. Just starting because this MED Park Hospital is just 2 months old !!
Pornrapee Abhakorn: Original North Indian Food. One of the first upper class Indian restaurant in Bangkok. Started by Himali Cha Cha, a former cook to Lord Louis Mountbatten of Great Britain. Good price and have Parking.
Wang Takhe, Nong Bua Rawe, Pong Nok, จังหวัดชัยภูมิ
国立公園 · 3個のヒントとレビュー
Pornrapee Abhakorn: Nice, not many peoples. Best in the early rainy season July Aug. Best for Siamese Tulips Field. Camping is very good. Need Pick-up or 4x4 to cross a Water Fall on the way in .