No matter how many new malls are opened here in Jogja, this is still the most considered choice. Also the best for all the horror stories that came with ever since this was still being built.
The food court at the 3rd floor offers various choices. Try The Balcony, it is simply excellent. The mall is the only mall in town to host Etude store and Charles and Keith (as of Dec 2015)
Mungkin satu2nya mal di kotaJogja, tapi entah knp orang2 di sana tdk pernah bosan pergi ke situ hehe. Catatan: maklumlah, krn Jogja tidak didesain sbg kota wisata mal, tapi utk wisata alam & budaya.
Various shops inside (includes Pull&Bear, Watsons, Miniso). Cinderella Nail show at ground floor. CGV on the top floor. 20 mins drive from Tugu train station.
Refresh the mind, relax, walk around the mall to see the goods. More precisely refresh the eyes. Shopping, eating, spending time with loved ones. !!! Awesome. Greatly missed this place
Plaza Ambarrukmo offers a new touch of modern lifestyle supported by both national and international brands such as Carrefour, Centro Department Store, ACE Hardware & Informa, Cineplex 21, etc.
Ini (katanya) mall yang paling keliatan kayamall :)) Tempatnya di jalan solo, turun dari angkot/drop off bisa lgsg masuk gitu ke lobi, bangunan mall emang agak-agak sih :))
The only one mall in jogjakarta with consep "one stop shoppingmall". Mau jalan" bisa, mau nongkrong bnyk pilihan, nontonbioskop jg bisa, mau istirahat dihotelny juga ada. Mantab deh
Cukup lengkap. Ada ace hw, carrefour, breadtalk, kawasaki, xxi, balcony, pizzahut, etc. Dan yg penting, ada parkir khusus moge di lobby samping depan starbucks!
Ada toko emas Semar yang selalu ramai pengunjung. Praktis karena menerima pembayaran dengan kartu debit (bebas biaya utk beberapa bank besar). Tapi kalo kartu kredit kena biaya.
mall di Jogja yang paling laris, karena tempatnya di jalur kota. banyak acara-acara live show diselenggarakan di mall ini. mall paling gede di Jogja nih
A Takrib Sale... selain puluhan electronik yg dijual disc 40% dan cicilan 0% juga tersedia BlackBerry & iPhone 4 disc hingga 800rb. Juga ada ready iPad 2 lho. Ayuk segera mampir. Makasih 続きを見る
klo bandingin amplaz dg TP (tunjungan plaza sby) biasanya TP juaranya...ternyata ada jg yg menang amplaz...mushollanya, nyaman dan this :)
The largest shopping center. Wich has 7 floors, accommodated by both anchor and junior tenants such as Carrefour, Centro Lifestyle Department Store, Gramedia Bookstores, Timezone, Cinema 21, Haagen Dazs, Tamansari Foodcourt, Starbucks Coffee, House of Balcony and other tenants