Places I want to visit in the US!
アルカトラズ島 is one of Places I want to visit in the US!.

1. アルカトラズ島

(Alcatraz Island)
Golden Gate National Recreation Area (San Francisco Bay), サンフランシスコ, CA
史跡と保護遺跡 · 502個のヒントとレビュー

2. ホワイトハウス

(The White House)
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW (btwn 15th St NW & 17th St NW), Washington, D.C.
行政施設 · Northwest Washington · 512個のヒントとレビュー

HISTORYHISTORY: Completed in 1800, The White House is the oldest public building in Washington, DC and has been the home of every president except George Washington.

Hollywood Walk of Fame is one of Places I want to visit in the US!.

3. Hollywood Walk of Fame

Hollywood Blvd, ロサンゼルス, CA
モニュメント · Hollywood Hills West · 486個のヒントとレビュー

4. ヨセミテ国立公園

(Yosemite National Park)
Northside Dr, Yosemite National Park, CA
国立公園 · 285個のヒントとレビュー

HISTORYHISTORY: Yosemite is one of the largest and least fragmented habitat blocks in the Sierra Nevada. In 1855, entrepreneur James Mason Hutchings & artist Thomas Ayres were the first to tour the area.

5. San Diego Zoo

2920 Zoo Dr, サンディエゴ, CA
動物園 · Balboa Park · 565個のヒントとレビュー

HISTORYHISTORY: This zoo opened in 1915 & covers over 100 acres with more than 4000 animals. In the 80s an orangutan named Ken Allen became famous for repeatedly escaping from the 'escape-proof' orangutan enclosure.

Rock & Roll Hall of Fame is one of Places I want to visit in the US!.

6. Rock & Roll Hall of Fame

1100 Rock and Roll Blvd (at Cleveland's North Coast Harbor), クリーブランド, OH
博物館 · Downtown Cleveland · 212個のヒントとレビュー

7. Crystal Cave

963 Crystal Cave Rd, Kutztown, PA
洞窟 · 18個のヒントとレビュー

visitPAvisitPA: One of PA’s most visited natural wonders and for good reason, it’s a stunning underground view. Pack a sweater or hoodie, it gets chilly as you descend 125 feet. 続きを読む

Grand Canyon National Park is one of Places I want to visit in the US!.

8. Grand Canyon National Park

Entrance Rd (btwn Route 89 & Route 93), Grand Canyon Village, AZ
国立公園 · 467個のヒントとレビュー
ロックフェラーセンター is one of Places I want to visit in the US!.

9. ロックフェラーセンター

(Rockefeller Center)
Rockefeller Plaza (btwn W 49th & W 50th St), ニューヨーク市, NY
広場 · Rockefeller Center · 846個のヒントとレビュー
ネイビー・ピア is one of Places I want to visit in the US!.

10. ネイビー・ピア

(Navy Pier)
600 E Grand Ave (at Streeter Dr), シカゴ, IL
埠頭 · Streeterville · 369個のヒントとレビュー

Explore ChicagoExplore Chicago: In a suspenseful scene, which was shot at Navy Pier for "The Dark Knight", the Joker (Heath Ledger) pits two ferries full of people - one loaded with citizens, one with prisoners, against each other. 続きを読む

Gateway Arch is one of Places I want to visit in the US!.

11. Gateway Arch

Gateway Arch National Park, セントルイス, MO
モニュメント · Downtown East · 277個のヒントとレビュー

Matt H.Matt H: Order your tickets, even for the tram up to the top, ahead of time or get there early. It sells out even on weekdays in the summer!

グレイスランド is one of Places I want to visit in the US!.

12. グレイスランド

3717 Elvis Presley Blvd (btwn Dolan Dr & Colonial Oak Ln), メンフィス, TN
博物館 · 234個のヒントとレビュー

HISTORYHISTORY: Home of Elvis Presley, it was opened to the public as a museum on June 7th 1982. Second to the White House, this is the most visited private home in the United States at 600,000 visitors a year.