The 20 best value restaurants in Baltimore, MD
Chopaan Kabob is one of The 20 best value restaurants in Baltimore, MD.

1. Chopaan Kabob

1301 N Charles St (at E Preston St), ボルチモア, MD
地中海料理店 · Mid-Town Belvedere · 4個のヒントとレビュー

Lily K.Lily K: More of a takeout place but for $10 the meal combos are more than you need. my favorite? chicken khebab

Bahama Breeze is one of The 20 best value restaurants in Baltimore, MD.

2. Bahama Breeze

100 E Joppa Rd, Towson, MD
カリブ料理店 · 73個のヒントとレビュー

Lily K.Lily K: The lemonade is thirst quenching... and the ambiance is great!

Dukem Restaurant is one of The 20 best value restaurants in Baltimore, MD.

3. Dukem Restaurant

1100 Maryland Ave (at Chase St), ボルチモア, MD
エチオピア料理店 · Mid-Town Belvedere · 20個のヒントとレビュー

Lily K.Lily K: the waitresses are iffy depending on the mood but the veggie meals are great... and the fish is friend to perfection. the samosas are a bit pricey though

4. Sofi's Crepes

333 N Charles St (at E Pleasant St), ボルチモア, MD
フランス料理店 · Downtown Baltimore · 1件の Tip