From one end of America to the other, and back!
1. Grand Canyon National Park
2. ザイオン国立公園
3. Cedar Point
4. Mall of America
5. City of Indianapolis
6. City of Denver
7. Yosemite Valley
8. ヨセミテ国立公園
9. Hoover Dam
10. City of Austin
11. ニューオーリンズ
12. Montana State Capitol
13. City of Nashville
14. Memphis, TN
15. Mount Rushmore National Memorial
16. Devils Tower National Monument
17. City of Seattle
18. City of Albuquerque
19. City of Savannah
20. City of Portland
21. イエローストーン国立公園
22. Old Faithful Geyser
23. Monument Valley
24. Jackson Hole
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