summer fun

1. Woodland View Adventures

719 Canoe Run Rd, Jersey Shore, PA
その他の素晴らしいアウトドア · 1件の Tip

visitPAvisitPA: Grab that special someone and saddle up for a guided trail ride and enjoy a delicious campfire dinner on the mountain. Now that's ambiance.

Hiawatha Paddlewheel Riverboat is one of summer fun.

2. Hiawatha Paddlewheel Riverboat

2205 Hiawatha Blvd (Route 15), ウィリアムズポート, PA
その他の素晴らしいアウトドア · 7個のヒントとレビュー

visitPAvisitPA: Call ahead and book the brunch cruise. Delicious buffet and a beautiful cruise on the picturesque Susquehanna.

Whitaker Center for Science & Art is one of summer fun.

3. Whitaker Center for Science & Art

222 Market St (at N 3rd St), ハリスバーグ, PA
科学博物館 · Downtown Harrisburg · 37個のヒントとレビュー
Hershey's Chocolate World is one of summer fun.

4. Hershey's Chocolate World

251 Park Blvd (at Hersheypark), Hershey, PA
お菓子屋 · 213個のヒントとレビュー

visitPAvisitPA: A little of this & a lot of chocolate. Fun spot with huge candy store & cool atttractions. Gotta try the "Make your own candy bar" and don't miss those chocolate milkshakes!

Hersheypark is one of summer fun.

5. Hersheypark

100 W Hershey Park Dr (at Park Ave), Hershey, PA
遊園地 · 222個のヒントとレビュー
Please Touch Museum is one of summer fun.

6. Please Touch Museum

4231 Avenue of the Republic, フィラデルフィア, PA
博物館 · West Philadelphia · 113個のヒントとレビュー