Izumi Sake Bar

Izumi Sake Bar

Taguig City
ヒントとレビューのアイコン27 件のTipとレビュー

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  • Juan E.
    Juan Erwin2月 10, 2013
    This is one of the best bar/restaurant combinations in BGC. Price is reasonable and the food tastes good! First level is a non-smoking section (thank God!). The place gets packed around midnight.
  • Izumi Sake Bar
    Izumi Sake Bar6月 10, 2012
    BUY 1 take 1 from 630PM-9PM >BEER: San Miguel Light, Pale Pilsen, Strong Ice, & Super Dry>COCKTAILS: Amaretto Sour, Tequila Sunrise, and Coco Lychee>SHOTS:Jose Cuervo, Artic Ice, Kurant, Soco, JD
  • Izumi Sake Bar
    Izumi Sake Bar6月 10, 2012
    BUY 1 take 1 from 630PM-9PM>BEER: San Miguel Light, Pale Pilsen, Strong Ice, & SuperDry>COCKTAILS: Amaretto Sour, Tequila Sunrise, and Coco Lychee>SHOTS:Jose Cuervo, Artic Ice, Kurant, SoCo, and JD
  • Izumi Sake Bar
    Izumi Sake Bar6月 10, 2012
    BUY 1 TAKE 1>>Beer: San Miguel Pale Pilsen, Light, and Strong Ice, Budweiser>>Cocktails: Amaretto Sour, Tequila Sunrise, and Coco Lychee>>Shots: Jose Cuervo, Artic Ice, Absolut Kurant, SoCo, and JD
  • Izumi Sake Bar
    Izumi Sake Bar6月 10, 2012
    Ladies drink free from selected cocktailsAbsolutely FREE from 6:30pm onwardsCoco Lychee, Lemon Drop, Cranberry Cooler, Amaretto SourThere’s still lots of good partying for everyone else!
  • Gian E.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Gian Evasco8月 3, 2012
    With our new food menu, renovated first floor, awesome crowd & music, and promos to keep the bottles going, you'll find comfort, love & FUN here @IzumiSakeBar
  • Kater S.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Kater Salinas10月 3, 2012
    Grab your girlfriends and head to Izumi Sake Bar and Restaurant for the ultimate ladies night out every Wednesday!
  • Eric V.
    Eric Villanueva11月 5, 2011
    If you want real expert grooming for your fur babies, visit The Dog Spa at acropolis C5, libis, 09178872429. Great service all the time! Www.facebook.com/thedogspa
  • Izumi Sake Bar
    Izumi Sake Bar6月 10, 2012
    Hi guys, keep checking our FACEBOOK/TWITTERFan Page: http://www.facebook.com/IzumiSakeBarGroup Page: http://www.facebook.com/groups/izumisakebar/Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/izumisakebar
  • Zizette N.
    Zizette Nuqui5月 23, 2012
    happy hour for ladies every wed nights! choose the free drinks haha
  • Melissa E.
    Melissa Embrador7月 21, 2012
    2 bottles of Jack for 3K, 2 bottles of Skyy for 1,600, every Saturdays.
  • Kater S.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Kater Salinas10月 3, 2012
    ROCKIZUMI every Thursday! Sing your lungs out!
  • Sheema B.
    Sheema Binudin1月 19, 2012
    i love the interiors and dim lighting :)
  • Kater S.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Kater Salinas10月 3, 2012
    Every Wednesday at Izumi!
  • Kater S.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Kater Salinas10月 6, 2012
    Fortress Friday at Izumi!
  • Kater S.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Kater Salinas10月 6, 2012
    Every Saturday!
  • Diego Jose R.
    Diego Jose Ramos9月 26, 2013
    Loving the USDA Rib eye steak! Fuckin' rockin rollin'
  • Reg G.
    Reg Geotina2月 14, 2012
    Music gets crazy loud 9pm onwards and they won't turn it down for you even with an almost empty room!
  • Junie d.
    Junie de Leon6月 28, 2011
    Buy one take one on Mondays and Tuesdays! :)
  • Nicole Antonette D.
    Closed a few months back, hasn't been replaced by anything else yet. No big loss as the food and drinks were just so-so.
  • Kat Bea G.
    Kat Bea Gordo11月 2, 2013
    Don't order their yakisoba coz they use canton noodles! They have an identity confusion, I guess
  • Sei
    Sei2月 25, 2013
    DJ needs to update his playlist. So 2011/2012. Kinda boring already. Been hearing the same playlist 6 months apart.
  • Josef G.
    Josef Gonzales10月 7, 2012
    good music!
  • Anna A.
    Anna Alzona1月 20, 2012
    Buy 1 take 1 Jack Daniels!
  • Ally M.
    Ally Moreno8月 22, 2011
    buy one take one for the san mig beers ^^~
  • Raymond O.
    Raymond Ordoveza9月 25, 2010
    Bottles are reasonably priced.
  • Rj S.
    Rj S.3月 5, 2010
    Catch the pole dancers on Saturday nights!