Pip Lafleur: Bring someone to the troll from out of town or a local who has never been. Contemplate how using future-tech (like foursquare) near a troll in Seattle is alarmingly Shadowrun-ish.
アトラクション · Seattle Central Business District · 105個のヒントとレビュー
Irina: Tourist or local, you gotta do it once. It's no match for other great observation wheels around the world, but the views are still great. Get cozy with your friends in a close-quartered capsule ;)
614 1st Ave (btwn Cherry St & Yesler Way), シアトル, WA
旅行会社 · Pioneer Square · 137個のヒントとレビュー
HISTORY: Takes visitors around Pioneer Square above ground and also to a hidden Seattle that now lies underground. About 25 square blocks of Pioneer Square have hollow spaces under the sidewalks.
図書館 · Seattle Central Business District · 152個のヒントとレビュー
Windows Live Photo Gallery: Stand at the corner of 5th and Spring, across from the library, to capture the entire building. A reflection of the sunset on the building is possible from late spring to early summer.
コンサートホール · Seattle Central Business District · 54個のヒントとレビュー
TOMS: Get a little fancy and check out the latest offering from the Seattle Symphony Orchestra. Take a moment to pause in the lobby to admire the beautifully lit Crystal Cascade glass sculpture.