1. Castillo de la Real Fuerza
Carl Griffin: Oldest existing fort in the Americas.
2. La Camara Oscura
Carl Griffin: 360 degree views of the city.
3. El Malecón
Carl Griffin: Join the locals in the evening to drink rum on the sea wall.
4. Vilniaus oro uostas | Vilnius International Airport (VNO)
Carl Griffin: Small enough airport to avoid the need for endless queues.
5. Plaza Vieja
Carl Griffin: Ideal place for people watching.
6. Prancūzparkis | Konstantino Sirvydo skveras
Carl Griffin: Lively parkland for a walk.
7. Belmonto parkas | Belmont Park
Carl Griffin: Stunning parkland. Great getaway from noise of the city.
8. Gedimino prospektas
Carl Griffin: One of the liveliest streets in the evening.
9. Užupio kavinė
Carl Griffin: Great atmosphere in which to enjoy a beer.
10. Mažasis teatras
Carl Griffin: Great place to catch a performance.
11. Nacionalinė dailės galerija / National Gallery of Art
Carl Griffin: Possibly the moat futuristic building in Vilnius.
12. Tauro kalnas | Tauras Hill
Carl Griffin: Some of the best views across the city.
13. Katedros aikštė | Cathedral Square
Carl Griffin: Completely surrounded by lovely architecture.
14. Bernardinų sodas
Carl Griffin: Wonderful place to relax and people watch.
15. Old Town Hostel
Carl Griffin: Great friendly hostel. Only a minute outside the old city gate.
16. The Vilnius Synagogue
Carl Griffin: Only surviving synagogue in Vilnius.
17. Valstybinis Vilniaus Gaono žydų muziejus, Istorinės ekspozicijos | Vilnius Gaon Jewish State Museum, historical exhibitions
Carl Griffin: Shocking photos of the terror inflicted during WW2.
18. Vilnius Jewish Community
Carl Griffin: Great place to learn about the persecution of the Jews committed by the Nazis and Lithuanian collaborators.
19. Jewish Ghetto Memorial
Carl Griffin: Sad poigniant memorial of unbelievable evil committed by the Nazis and some Lithuanians.
20. Paukščių Takas | Milky Way
Carl Griffin: Great views across the city from the observation deck.
21. Šv. Arkangelo Rapolo bažnyčia | Church of St Raphael the Archangel
Carl Griffin: Very pretty for a modern church.
22. Vilniaus miesto savivaldybė | Vilnius city municipality
Carl Griffin: Very modern skyscraper. Complete contrast to old city.
23. Gedimino Pilies Bokštas | Gediminas’ Tower of the Upper Castle
Carl Griffin: Wonderful tower with great views across the city.
24. Televizijos bokštas | Vilnius TV tower
Carl Griffin: Awesome views back over the city.
25. Vingio parkas
Carl Griffin: Large open air ampitheatre within the park.
26. Tuskulėnų memorialinis kompleksas | Tuskulėnai memorial
Carl Griffin: Chapel containg the graves of those killed by the Nazis.
27. Genocido aukų muziejus | Genocide Victims Museum
Carl Griffin: Interesting to tour the cells & learn about the various torture techniques used.
28. Lietuvos Respublikos Seimas
Carl Griffin: Not really architecturally in keeping with the rest of the city but full of history.
29. Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės valdovų rūmai | Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania
Carl Griffin: Pretty renaissance palace.
30. Dievo Motinos Ėmimo į Dangų katedra
Carl Griffin: Wonderful silver domes.
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