Stuff I like
リーディング ターミナル マーケット is one of Stuff I like.

1. リーディング ターミナル マーケット

(Reading Terminal Market)
51 N 12th St (btwn Arch & Filbert St), フィラデルフィア, PA
フードコート · Chinatown · 675個のヒントとレビュー

NBC PhiladelphiaNBC Philadelphia: Opened in 1892, this gastronomic bazaar features 80 merchants in 1.7 acres. Newsworthy: During World War II, the Market was a mecca for Philadelphians seeking relief from the rigors of rationing.

Longwood Gardens is one of Stuff I like.

3. Longwood Gardens

1001 Longwood Rd, Kennett Square, PA
植物園 · 133個のヒントとレビュー

visitPAvisitPA: Today, we understand the importance of environmental conservation. That wasn't so common in 1906, when Pierre du Pont purchased this land to preserve the trees.

University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology is one of Stuff I like.

4. University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology

3260 South St (at 33rd St), フィラデルフィア, PA
歴史博物館 · University City · 43個のヒントとレビュー

visitPAvisitPA: If you're into human history or digging up old stuff, you've hit the jackpot. Mummies, Roman statues, the third largest sphinx on the planet - You can literally discover the entire world here.