1. Boots
2. Superdrug
Edwin Tan: ironically, they are cheaper than boots
3. The Prince Of Wales
4. Thali Ho
Edwin Tan: Good Indian food in a super modern setting, lots of places too
5. Alios Delicatessen
Edwin Tan: very authentic italian groceries and foods. Great coffee
6. Khao Sarn
Edwin Tan: very good value lunch deals, tasty cooking too
7. Beanberry
Edwin Tan: good coffee and loved the banana bread
8. Regent's Park Lake
Edwin Tan: a sparse park with a decent lake and hedged by the london zoo
9. Fucina
Edwin Tan: extremely good desserts
10. Etna coffee
Edwin Tan: good coffee
11. ビッグベン
Edwin Tan: iconic landmark... now shrouded for refurbishment till 2019.
12. ウェストミンスター寺院
Edwin Tan: beautiful landmark
13. Westminster Bridge
Edwin Tan: the place to photograph the parliament and Big Ben.
14. London Eye / Waterloo Pier
15. The London Eye
Edwin Tan: i think it looks nicer at ground level than on it...
16. セント・ジェームズ公園
Edwin Tan: a very nice park in central london
17. Buckingham Palace Gate
18. バッキンガム宮殿
19. 金田家
Edwin Tan: Authentic Ramen
20. タワーブリッジ
Edwin Tan: the pretty bridge :) the one everybody presume is the London Bridge is.
21. Monmouth Coffee Company
Edwin Tan: good coffee. the wait won’t be too long, they are pretty quick.
22. The Breakfast Club
Edwin Tan: good breakfasts but possibly over-rated. if there’s a queue, go elsewhere...
23. American Food Store
Edwin Tan: possibly the only place to find Skippy peanut butter on London.
24. 4 dance
Edwin Tan: probably the only dance equipment shop in the area. very dedicated staff
25. St. Peter's Church Hall
Edwin Tan: Joanne Ward Ballet held here. great teacher
26. Carluccio's
Edwin Tan: good lunch sets. quality fare
27. Noodle House
Edwin Tan: rare Malaysian fare.
28. Limnerslease
29. Watts Gallery
Edwin Tan: An excellent day out for the whole family.
30. Watts Chapel
Edwin Tan: super pretty! pure dedication to make this!
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