(Michigan Ave/ Military St)
"Each week items with the color of the week tags are specially priced and the color change occurs on Monday."
Biggby Coffee
コーヒーショップ · $
22445 Michigan Ave (at Military St.)
"Best coffee shop ever. Lily is the best"
Best Buy
16221 Ford Rd (Mercury Dr)
"Look for what u want, try it out and then go buy it at ABC warehouse."
Buddy's Pizza
ピザ · $$
22148 Michigan Ave (btwn Howard St. & Mason St.)
"An excellent place for delicious Detroit style pizza! Lots of options (including gluten free) that are all delicious! Try a specialty pizza and some Buddy bread!"
22155 Michigan Ave
"The chocolate chip banana coffee cake is INSANELY good!!"
Westborn Market
21770 Michigan Ave. (at Oakwood Blvd.)
"Great selection of coffee beans. Hard to find items like white asparagus, purple potatoes, haricot verts and more! Cheese selection is phenom."
Record Stores
作成者 Mike D3tro1t3 ميكائيل11項目
Top 10 favorites places in Dearborn, MI
作成者 Erin Johnson9項目 • 1 人のフォロワー
Favorite Record Stores
作成者 Su12項目 • 1 人のフォロワー
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