Вроде бы отель и классный, чистый, но не понравился. Жил там почти две недели и ни разу нормально не выспался. Очень шумно по вечерам. Лобби как такового нет. Шастает много бомжей с просьбой покурить
Tvarkingi kambariai, labai malonus personalas, išmanus viešbutis ir saugi vieta automobiliui po žeme. Gera garso izoliacija kambaryje - beveik jokio triukšmo. Be to, skaniai gamina. Viskas, ko reikia.
Bikes for renting are in a good. Unfort,I missed croissants at the breakfasts. And, guests, don't leave your staff around: at the reception, in a sporthall, meeting rooms. You won't find it anymore.
The worst ravioli i've ever had was just now at their restaurant! Sour cream and dill (instead of cheese) is so wrong with classic spinach ravioli... Horrible!
The Comfort Hotel LT can certainly make a claim to be the most beautiful hotel in Vilnius. The hotel is located within walking distance of the Old Town and features a 24h gym, and the Time restaurant