La stuff
Brentwood Country Mart is one of La stuff.

1. Brentwood Country Mart

225 26th St (at San Vicente Blvd), サンタモニカ, CA
ショッピングモール · 29個のヒントとレビュー

Travel + LeisureTravel + Leisure: For the city’s best rotisserie chicken and French fries, stop at Reddi Chick, where you can enjoy your meal in an open-air patio with a fire pit.

Brentwood Country Mart is one of La stuff.

2. Brentwood Country Mart

225 26th St (at San Vicente Blvd), サンタモニカ, CA
ショッピングモール · 29個のヒントとレビュー

Will M.Will Mears: get a nice fresh pineapple coconut smoothie at the back of reddi check for a true treat that compliments a nice chicken tender basket.

Farmshop is one of La stuff.

3. Farmshop

225 26th St, サンタモニカ, CA
アメリカ料理店 · Brentwood · 70個のヒントとレビュー

LA WeeklyLA Weekly: "Farmshop's French Fries are what Fries should be." - Jonathan Gold