Csendes Vintage Bar & Cafe
パブ · $$
Ferenczy István u. 5. (Magyar u.)
"Great place with hip, bohemic interior and a relaxing atmosphere. Friendly staff, and great beer! Not the best palinka..."
パブ · $
Örs vezér tere 2
"Absolutely reasonable prices. Friendly staff."
Szomjas Hattyú Pub // Thirsty Swan Pub
Hattyu Utca 18
"Handsome crew, awesome beer, nice prices - don’t miss this new jewel of Buda!"
Karaván Török Büfé
トルコ料理 · $$
Erzsébet krt. 6. (Blaha Lujza tér)
"Best gyros in the city!"
Blaha Lujza tér
"It has an unexplainable energy that makes a pleasant place, even though it's dominated by worn out commie Scala shopping center. Would use more pedestrian and less car surfaces."
Ördög Gödör
バー · $$
Erzsébet körút 27. (Wesselényi u.)
"Kinda reasonable prices and a bit rundown, but still a good place, especially if you want to meet new people! Something weird or funny or both happens here almost every night! I love the place!"
Sárga vasaló túra 2013
作成者 David Horvath23項目 • 6 人のフォロワー
Best of Budapest
作成者 Flavio P51項目 • 4 人のフォロワー
作成者 Balint Bernhardt73項目 • 35 人のフォロワー
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