Trinity Park Church likes to eat (here).
Neomonde is one of Trinity Park Church likes to eat (here)..

1. Neomonde

10235 Chapel Hill Rd #400 (at Morrisville Carpenter Rd), Morrisville, NC
地中海料理店 · 52個のヒントとレビュー
C & T Wok is one of Trinity Park Church likes to eat (here)..

2. C & T Wok

130 Morrisville Square Way (at Morrisville Carpenter Rd), Morrisville, NC
中華料理店 · 17個のヒントとレビュー
KoMo KoMo is one of Trinity Park Church likes to eat (here)..

3. KoMo KoMo

1305 NW Maynard Rd, ケーリー, NC
韓国料理店 · 2個のヒントとレビュー
Woody's Sports Bar and Tavern is one of Trinity Park Church likes to eat (here)..

4. Woody's Sports Bar and Tavern

8322 Chapel Hill Rd (at E Johnson St), ケーリー, NC
スポーツバー · 36個のヒントとレビュー

Ben M.Ben Meredith: Fantastic place to watch a game (not a bad seat in the place for seeing a TV), and the wings were pretty good, too!