Barbados - Must-visit spots for Families
Folkestone Marine Park & Museum is one of Barbados - Must-visit spots for Families.

1. Folkestone Marine Park & Museum

Folkestone, Holetown, Saint James
ダイビングスポット · 4個のヒントとレビュー Small but fascinating museum. Playpark for the kids. Marine park for scuba and snorkeling. 続きを読む

Animal Flower Cave is one of Barbados - Must-visit spots for Families.

2. Animal Flower Cave

Animal Flower Cave, St. Lucy, Barbados
洞窟 · 13個のヒントとレビュー Spectacular views. Check the walls for beautiful green and brown formations. Be adventurous and take a swim in the large pool in the cave! 続きを読む

Barbados Wildlide Reserve is one of Barbados - Must-visit spots for Families.

3. Barbados Wildlide Reserve

自然保護地区 · 11個のヒントとレビュー

Realtors L.Realtors Limited: A lovely day out for all the family. Get up close & personal with our native Green Monkey or watch the Tortoises and Capybara relaxing in the sun. Then cross the carpark to visit the Signal Station.

Harrison's Cave is one of Barbados - Must-visit spots for Families.

4. Harrison's Cave

Allen View, St. Thomas, Barbados
公園 · 31個のヒントとレビュー Really spectacular - a must-do in Barbados. 続きを読む

Art Splash is one of Barbados - Must-visit spots for Families.

5. Art Splash

ジューススタンド · 7個のヒントとレビュー

Helene B.Helene Brewster: Great place for the entire family

Worthing Beach is one of Barbados - Must-visit spots for Families.

6. Worthing Beach

ブリッジタウン, Saint Michael
海岸 · 4個のヒントとレビュー Sea becomes more lively heading west; calmer to the east. Nice spot for snorkeling 続きを読む

Enterprise/Miami Beach is one of Barbados - Must-visit spots for Families.

7. Enterprise/Miami Beach

Enterprise, Oistins, Christ Church
海岸 · 29個のヒントとレビュー

P W.P Welch: Grab a bite to eat from " Mr. Delicious" while you're here.

Arlington House Museum, Barbados is one of Barbados - Must-visit spots for Families.

8. Arlington House Museum, Barbados

Speightstown (Speightstown), St. Peter, Barbados
歴史博物館 · 2個のヒントとレビュー Good interactive features that kids will love! 続きを読む

Atlantis Submarines Barbados is one of Barbados - Must-visit spots for Families.

9. Atlantis Submarines Barbados

The Shallow Draught, ブリッジタウン, Saint Michael
港またはマリーナ · 12個のヒントとレビュー

E P.E Price: Great trip and there is good free wifi in the building.