

Bank Austria Kunstforum Wien

Bank Austria Kunstforum Wien

Innere Stadt, Wien
  • スター
    Wienアートギャラリー トップ5に入っています
  • Tips
    Kunstforum W.
    "HAPPY HOUR (ハッピーアワー) each Thursday from 6-7pm. 2 persons only pay one ticket!"(2 つの Tips)
    Kunstforum W.
    "... passion" to see art (芸術) from these and other modern artists!"(2 つの Tips)
ヒントとレビューのアイコン16 件のTipとレビュー
  • 展示
  • 芸術
  • 美術家
  • 贈り物

  • 人気
  • 最近
  • Kunstforum W.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Kunstforum Wien6月 29, 2012
    Picasso, Willem de Konning and Cy Twombley. Come and visit our exhibition "My private passion" to see art from these and other modern artists!
  • Настя К.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Who would thought that Japanese art had been inspiring Monet, Van Gogh and many others. („Das blaue Zimmer“ by Edouard Vuillard)
  • ViennaInfo
    ViennaInfo3月 8, 2012
    The portal alone could be considered a unique sculpture, especially as it lends an impressive accent to the square at Freyung. 続きを見る
  • ViennaInfo
    ViennaInfo2月 16, 2012
    Allein schon das Portal kann als eigenständige Skulptur gelten, verleiht es doch dem Platz der Freyung einen eindrucksvollen Akzent 続きを見る
  • Kunstforum W.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Kunstforum Wien6月 29, 2012
    Go to the Kunstforum Facebook page to find the 1+1 free entry app! You can invite your friend to the exhibition! www.facebook/KunstforumWien
  • Kunstforum W.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Kunstforum Wien6月 29, 2012
    Are you interested in high quality art books and funny artsy gifts? Come and visit the Kunstforum shop!! It's worth it :)
  • ViennaInfo
    ViennaInfo2月 16, 2012
    Allein schon das Portal kann als eigenständige Skulptur gelten, verleiht es doch dem Platz der Freyung einen eindrucksvollen Akzent. 続きを見る
  • Have a break
    Have a break5月 7, 2012
    Guter Rat für Radfans: Mach Pause bei der Ausstellung von Rainer Ganhal rund ums Fahrrad. Ab Dienstag im Tresor des Bank Austria Kunstforums! 続きを見る
  • Kunstforum W.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Kunstforum Wien6月 5, 2013
    HAPPY HOUR each Thursday from 6-7pm. 2 persons only pay one ticket!
  • Renate Z.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Renate Zipfel2月 9, 2017
    Immer sehr gute Ausstellungen
  • Marianne C.
    Marianne Clark8月 18, 2018
    So disappointed, on our last day -Saturday- they have closed it for some unknown reason. Sign in German only. Doors locked!!!
  • 🎀👑KAD€R👑🎀
    Guzel yer iste :)) gunaydinnn
  • Janne B.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Janne Bavnhøj6月 5, 2018
    Nice. With air conditioning
  • Alexander
    Alexander9月 21, 2010
    Happy Hour: monday-thursday 18.00-19.00 (2 tickets for the price of 1) 続きを見る
  • Li
    Li5月 3, 2011
    Aiwasowski - great exhibition!
  • Konstantin J.
    Konstantin Jakabb2月 6, 2011
    Birgit Juergenssen -> sehnswert !