London as a local
Regent's Park is one of London as a local.

1. Regent's Park

Chester Rd, ロンドン, Greater London
公園 · 349個のヒントとレビュー

Hiro A H.Hiro A H R: Best park in London for me. Use to play tennis a lot on the public tennis club.

The Savoy Hotel is one of London as a local.

2. The Savoy Hotel

Strand (Savoy St), ロンドン, Greater London
ホテル · Charing Cross · 112個のヒントとレビュー

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: The Savoy Hotel, which completed a £220m renovation in October 2010, was the first hotel to have lifts when it opened in 1889. Its first chef, Auguste Escoffier, led to the verb ‘to scoff’, as in eat

Charlotte Street Hotel is one of London as a local.

3. Charlotte Street Hotel

15-17 Charlotte St, Fitzrovia, Greater London
ホテル · 75個のヒントとレビュー

Lars H.Lars Hemming: Great spot for biz meetings. Go through the lobby and into the library.

Regent's Park Tennis Courts is one of London as a local.

4. Regent's Park Tennis Courts

Tennis Centre (Inner Circle), ロンドン, Greater London
テニスコート · 5個のヒントとレビュー

Hiro A H.Hiro A H R: I love this charming place. Used to play a lot.

ナショナル・ギャラリー is one of London as a local.

5. ナショナル・ギャラリー

(National Gallery)
Trafalgar Sq, ロンドン, Greater London
美術館 · Piccadilly · 508個のヒントとレビュー

LondonistLondonist: Look out for the mosaic floors in the main entrance and stairwell. Fascinating. Work by the same artist can be seen at Tate Britain.

His Majesty's Theatre is one of London as a local.

6. His Majesty's Theatre

Haymarket, ロンドン, Greater London
劇場 · Piccadilly · 130個のヒントとレビュー

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: Opened as the Queen’s Theatre in 1705 by playwright and architect Sir John Vanbrugh, in 1986 it hosted the world premiere of ‘The Phantom of the Opera’, and it’s been on ever since.

Claridge's is one of London as a local.

7. Claridge's

49 Brook St, ロンドン, Greater London
ホテル · Mayfair · 110個のヒントとレビュー

8. 109 Whitfield St,W1

ロンドン, Greater London
自宅 (個人) · Fitzrovia · Tipまたはレビューなし
Hyatt Regency London - The Churchill is one of London as a local.

9. Hyatt Regency London - The Churchill

30 Portman Sq, ロンドン, Greater London
ホテル · Marylebone · 81個のヒントとレビュー

Hiro A H.Hiro A H R: Pleasant hotel in the middle of westend W1. Try famous italian restraunt Locanda Locatelli on the groundfloor as

大英博物館 is one of London as a local.

10. 大英博物館

(British Museum)
Great Russell St (btwn Montague & Bloomsbury St), ロンドン, Greater London
歴史博物館 · Bloomsbury · 1007個のヒントとレビュー

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: The British Museum began from the collection of naturalist Sir Hans Sloane which he left to the nation on his death in 1753. Now it houses 7 million objects including more than 100 Egyptian mummies.

Covent Garden Market is one of London as a local.

11. Covent Garden Market

The Piazza, ロンドン, Greater London
ショッピングプラザ · 375個のヒントとレビュー

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: The square here was laid out by Inigo Jones in 1630, on land once used by the monks of Westminster Abbey as a garden, but confiscated by Henry VIII during the Reformation.

Neal's Yard is one of London as a local.

12. Neal's Yard

Neal's Yard (Shorts Garden), ロンドン, Greater London
歩行者天国 · Holborn and Covent Garden · 87個のヒントとレビュー

Richard G.Richard Gregory: Recommended: I love it here! It reminds me of a mundane muggle version of the secret wizard mall 'Diagon Alley' in the Harry Potter series. Be sure to check out 'Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes'. *chuckles* 続きを読む

The Crown & Anchor is one of London as a local.

13. The Crown & Anchor

22 Neal St, ロンドン, Greater London
パブ · Holborn and Covent Garden · 25個のヒントとレビュー

Eugenio M.Eugenio Montesano: Very nice boozer just off Covent Garden.. Short on real ales tho

The Fitzrovia is one of London as a local.

14. The Fitzrovia

18 Goodge St, ロンドン, Greater London
パブ · Fitzrovia · 7個のヒントとレビュー
Natural History Museum is one of London as a local.

15. Natural History Museum

Cromwell Rd (at Queen's Gate), ロンドン, Greater London
科学博物館 · Kensington and Chelsea · 619個のヒントとレビュー

LondonistLondonist: One of the world's great museums. To avoid the queues, use the 'secret' entrance on Exhibition Road.

ハイドパーク is one of London as a local.

16. ハイドパーク

(Hyde Park)
Serpentine Rd, ロンドン, Greater London
公園 · 1137個のヒントとレビュー

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: The glass and iron hall built here for the Great Exhibition of 1851 was nicknamed ‘the crystal palace’ by Punch magazine. In 1854 it was moved piece by piece to south London and rebuilt.

Shakespeare's Globe Theatre is one of London as a local.

17. Shakespeare's Globe Theatre

21 New Globe Walk (Bankside), ロンドン, Greater London
劇場 · South Bank · 236個のヒントとレビュー

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: The vision of American actor Sam Wanamaker, this replica of Shakespeare’s legendary theatre opened near the site of the original in 1997. It has the first thatched roof in London since the Great Fire.

サマセット・ハウス is one of London as a local.

18. サマセット・ハウス

(Somerset House)
Strand, ロンドン, Greater London
イベントスペース · City of Westminster · 154個のヒントとレビュー

Louis VuittonLouis Vuitton: Even if you are not visiting one of the many exhibitions and events organised here throughout the year, come to sit in its beautiful and quiet neoclassical courtyard away from London’s busy streets.

Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A) is one of London as a local.

19. Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A)

Cromwell Rd, ロンドン, Greater London
美術館 · Kensington and Chelsea · 649個のヒントとレビュー

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: The V&A is the world’s largest museum of decorative art and design and holds 4.5 million objects. Henry Cole, the museum’s first director, printed the world’s first Christmas card in 1843.

ビッグベン is one of London as a local.

20. ビッグベン

(Big Ben (Elizabeth Tower))
Parliament Sq (Bridge St), ロンドン, Greater London
モニュメント · Westminster · 663個のヒントとレビュー

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: Big Ben refers to the 13 ton bell in the clock tower of Westminster Palace. Opinion is divided as to whether it was named after the then Commissioner of Works, or a famous prize-fighter of the time.

Selfridges & Co is one of London as a local.

21. Selfridges & Co

400 Oxford St, ロンドン, Greater London
デパート · Marylebone · 776個のヒントとレビュー

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: Oxford Street’s biggest department store was opened by the American businessman Gordon J Selfridge in 1909, whose motto was ‘The customer is always right’.

The London Eye is one of London as a local.

22. The London Eye

The Queen's Walk (Belvedere Rd), ロンドン, Greater London
アトラクション · Waterloo · 969個のヒントとレビュー

ToryBurchToryBurch: Nothing beats the view of the city from this giant Ferris wheel. On a clear day, get a glimpse of Windsor Castle

タワーブリッジ is one of London as a local.

23. タワーブリッジ

(Tower Bridge)
Tower Bridge Rd, ロンドン, Greater London
· 467個のヒントとレビュー

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: To mark the 50th birthday of the Royal Air Force in 1968, Flight Lt. Allan Pollock flew his Hawker jet under the walkway of Tower Bridge. This unauthorised stunt won him a court martial.

セント・ポール大聖堂 is one of London as a local.

24. セント・ポール大聖堂

(St Paul's Cathedral)
St Paul's Church Yard, ロンドン, Greater London
教会 · City of London · 282個のヒントとレビュー

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: The first national lottery was held in 1569, and the result was announced at the west door of (the old) St.Paul’s cathedral. It is unknown if the winner let it change him.

Soho Square is one of London as a local.

25. Soho Square

Soho Sq, ロンドン, Greater London
公園 · 110個のヒントとレビュー

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: ‘Soho’ is thought to come from the hunting and battle cry of the Duke of Monmouth, a local landlord. He used it at the Battle of Sedgemoor where he was defeated in 1685, and later executed.

王立植物園 is one of London as a local.

26. 王立植物園

(Royal Botanic Gardens)
Kew Rd, キュー, Greater London
植物園 · 188個のヒントとレビュー

Louis VuittonLouis Vuitton: Although firstly a scientific organisation, this British institution houses numerous collection of plants and botanical information and as such is a living encyclopaedia on the plant kingdom.

ハンプトン・コート宮殿 is one of London as a local.

27. ハンプトン・コート宮殿

(Hampton Court Palace)
Hampton Court Rd, Hampton, Greater London
宮殿 · 108個のヒントとレビュー

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: This grand Tudor palace was built by Henry VIII’s Lord Chancellor Cardinal Wolsey, but passed to the king in 1529. His 4th queen Catherine Howard is said to haunt the gallery outside the chapel.

トラファルガー広場 is one of London as a local.

28. トラファルガー広場

(Trafalgar Square)
Trafalgar Sq, ロンドン, Greater London
広場 · Piccadilly · 552個のヒントとレビュー

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: Every year a Norway Spruce is erected here and decorated as part of the Christmas festivities. The tree is a gift of thanks from the Norwegians for Britain's support during the Second World War

バッキンガム宮殿 is one of London as a local.

29. バッキンガム宮殿

(Buckingham Palace)
Buckingham Palace Rd, ロンドン, Greater London
宮殿 · Green Park · 609個のヒントとレビュー

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: Built in 1703 for the Duke of Buckingham, George III acquired it in 1762 as a private house. It became an official royal residence in the reign of Queen Victoria, when it was greatly enlarged.

テート モダン is one of London as a local.

30. テート モダン

(Tate Modern)
53 Bankside, ロンドン, Greater London
美術館 · South Bank · 816個のヒントとレビュー

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: The Bankside Power Station was built as a ‘cathedral of power’ in 1963, but closed in 1981. It reopened as one of Europe’s finest modern art galleries in 2000. The Turbine Hall is 35m high.

Prince of Wales Theatre is one of London as a local.

31. Prince of Wales Theatre

31 Coventry St, ロンドン, Greater London
劇場 · Piccadilly · 143個のヒントとレビュー

gavin n.gavin nugent: Home of Mamma Mia! 続きを読む

BT Tower is one of London as a local.

32. BT Tower

45 Maple St, Fitzrovia, Greater London
構造物 · Fitzrovia · 14個のヒントとレビュー

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: Until 1993 the location of Telecom Tower was an official secret, having or taking any photos of the tower was a breach of the Official Secrets Act, it was even omitted from all maps.

The Sussex (Taylor Walker) is one of London as a local.

33. The Sussex (Taylor Walker)

20 Upper St Martin's Ln (Long Acre), Covent Garden, Greater London
ガストロパブ · City of Westminster · 44個のヒントとレビュー

Philip A.Philip Anderson: Great people watching venue - and a great respite from the shops - literally on the corner of the main shopping street.

Liberty of London is one of London as a local.

34. Liberty of London

Great Marlborough St, ロンドン, Greater London
デパート · 258個のヒントとレビュー

ToryBurchToryBurch: There’s nothing more quintessentially British than a classic Liberty of London print. Scoop up the iconic shirts and accessories for friends back home.

The Lamb & Flag is one of London as a local.

35. The Lamb & Flag

33 Rose St (Garrick St), Covent Garden, Greater London
パブ · City of Westminster · 116個のヒントとレビュー

Chris C.Chris Coulson: One of the oldest pubs in London. Our local. It does a great Guinness

ロンドン塔 is one of London as a local.

36. ロンドン塔

(Tower of London)
5 Great Tower St, ロンドン, Greater London
· 581個のヒントとレビュー

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: From 1235 until 1835, the monarch’s personal zoo was kept at the Tower, and it included many exotic animals given as presents by other monarchs, including polar bears, leopards and elephants.

Hampstead Heath is one of London as a local.

37. Hampstead Heath

Heath St (E/W Heath Rd), ロンドン, Greater London
公園 · Hampstead Town · 157個のヒントとレビュー

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: Hampstead Heath was a favourite outing for Karl Marx and his family, and held a popular fair in the 19th century. Like the Guy Fawkes night bonfires held here, it oftern turned drunken and violent.

The Drift is one of London as a local.

38. The Drift

Heron Tower 110 Bishopsgate, ロンドン, Greater London
レストラン · Bishopsgate · 46個のヒントとレビュー

Julio M.Julio Montoya: Greaat place

Al Forno is one of London as a local.

39. Al Forno

2a Kings Rd (at The Broadway), Wimbledon, Greater London
イタリア料理店 · Merton · 35個のヒントとレビュー

Martin V.Martin Vidler: Best Italian in Wimbledon. Great atmosphere.

Windsor Castle is one of London as a local.

40. Windsor Castle

Castle Hill, ウィンザー, Berkshire
· 161個のヒントとレビュー

Visit W.Visit Windsor: If you get your Windsor Castle ticket stamped before you leave it is valid for a whole year

テート ブリテン is one of London as a local.

41. テート ブリテン

(Tate Britain)
Millbank, ロンドン, Greater London
美術館 · Millbank · 223個のヒントとレビュー

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: Tate Britain is built on the site of the 19th century Millbank Prison. Between 1816 and 1868, this is where thousands of convicts began their journey to the penal colonies of Australia.

Westminster Bridge is one of London as a local.

42. Westminster Bridge

Westminster Bridge Rd. (Victoria Embankment), ロンドン, Greater London
· Waterloo · 115個のヒントとレビュー

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: The lion sculpture was once painted red and stood over the Red Lion Brewery on the South Bank in the 18th century. When the area was redeveloped in the 1950s the lion was saved and moved here.

The Mall is one of London as a local.

43. The Mall

The Mall, ロンドン, Greater London
道路 · Westminster · 12個のヒントとレビュー

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: The Mall took on its current form as a royal processional route around 1912. The palace approach was widened, and Admiralty Arch was built at one end and the Victoria Memorial at the other

大英図書館 is one of London as a local.

44. 大英図書館

(British Library)
96 Euston Rd, ロンドン, Greater London
図書館 · 182個のヒントとレビュー

Love CamdenLove Camden: There are two excellent cafes in the British Library: a small one outside at the front, and another at the back as you walk up the main stairs. Both make an excellent destination to meet for lunch.

45. ロイヤル・フェスティバル・ホール

(Royal Festival Hall)
Belvedere Rd, ロンドン, Greater London
コンサートホール · London · 137個のヒントとレビュー

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: London’s only post-war Grade I listed building was opened in 1951 for the Festival of Britain. The hall officially reopened after its renovation in 2007 with a performance by rock legends Motorhead.

Ministry of Sound is one of London as a local.

46. Ministry of Sound

103 Gaunt St, ロンドン, Greater London
ナイトクラブ · Southwark · 136個のヒントとレビュー

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: London’s most famous modern nightclub was opened in 1991 by Old Etonian the Hon. James Palumbo. It’s modelled on the famous Paradise Garage club in New York, where ‘garage’ music was born.

Nobu is one of London as a local.

47. Nobu

19 Old Park Ln, ロンドン, Greater London
和食店 · Mayfair · 146個のヒントとレビュー

Mick Y.Mick Yates: Great food, cool ambiance .. just rather mixed / pretentious in service

wagamama is one of London as a local.

48. wagamama

101a Wigmore St, Marylebone, Greater London
アジア料理店 · Marylebone · 64個のヒントとレビュー

Paul A.Paul Adams: Great service and really good vegetarian options.

Tokyo Diner is one of London as a local.

49. Tokyo Diner

2 Newport Pl, Chinatown, Greater London
和食店 · Chinatown · 131個のヒントとレビュー
Bar Italia is one of London as a local.

50. Bar Italia

22 Frith St (at Old Compton St), Soho, Greater London
コーヒーショップ · Soho, London, Greater London · 125個のヒントとレビュー

Hiro A H.Hiro A H R: Best capuchino in London!

Locanda Locatelli is one of London as a local.

51. Locanda Locatelli

8 Seymour St, ロンドン, Greater London
イタリア料理店 · Marylebone · 41個のヒントとレビュー

Financial TimesFinancial Times: Spotted: Madonna is a regular here and this is a favoured spot of Tony Blair. For Tony Blair’s FT interview here... 続きを読む

Kensington High Street is one of London as a local.

52. Kensington High Street

Kensington High St, Kensington and Chelsea, Greater London
道路 · Kensington · 20個のヒントとレビュー

Rachel Louise M.Rachel Louise Mulhall: Great for shopping, eating and drinking. Check out the Wholefoods Market especially ;-)

The Southampton Arms is one of London as a local.

53. The Southampton Arms

139 Highgate Rd (Wesleyan Pl), ロンドン, Greater London
パブ · Kentish Town · 109個のヒントとレビュー

Sarah H.Sarah Heenan: You know you're on to a winner from the ALE CIDER MEAT sign. They sell Seabrook's Crisps and there's a panther in the beer garden.

54. Jazz Cafe

5 Parkway, ロンドン, Greater London
ジャズとブルースのスポット · Camden Town · 49個のヒントとレビュー

Love CamdenLove Camden: More than a home for some of London's best live music - also a great venue for a bite to eat during the day

Ronnie Scott's Jazz Club is one of London as a local.

55. Ronnie Scott's Jazz Club

47 Frith St (Old Compton St), ロンドン, Greater London
ジャズとブルースのスポット · Soho · 135個のヒントとレビュー

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: Ronnie Scott’s Jazz Club opened on nearby Gerrard St in 1959, moved here in 1965 and is now the most famous jazz club in Britain. Jimi Hendrix’s played his last public performance here in 1970.

The Agra is one of London as a local.

56. The Agra

135-137 Whitfield Street, ロンドン, Greater London
インド料理店 · Fitzrovia · 8個のヒントとレビュー

Hiro A H.Hiro A H R: Used to my local Indian restaurant. Authentic Indian cuisine at a reasonable west end price. Their Prawn Curry is my favorite.

Charlotte Street is one of London as a local.

57. Charlotte Street

Charlotte St, ロンドン, Greater London
道路 · Fitzrovia · 2個のヒントとレビュー

Hiro A H.Hiro A H R: You can find wide range of restaurant, cafe, bars and pubs for locals around this charming street.

Little Venice is one of London as a local.

58. Little Venice

ロンドン, Greater London
地域 · 63個のヒントとレビュー

Michel K.Michel Kao: ...after your coffee or tea, take a stroll along Regent's canal until Camden Lock, with a small detour to Primrose Hill. An hour or so walking!

New Bond Street is one of London as a local.

59. New Bond Street

New Bond St, ロンドン, Greater London
道路 · Mayfair · 25個のヒントとレビュー

Thiago B.Thiago Bastos: Really nice shops. It isn't for everyone, but still nice to look around and dream a little!

60. South Bank

ロンドン, Greater London
地域 · 50個のヒントとレビュー

BritannicaBritannica: For centuries the riverside district was dominated by industrial plants, but bombings in World War II ruined the area. The Festival of Britain transformed South Bank a cultural hub in 1951

John Lewis & Partners is one of London as a local.

61. John Lewis & Partners

300 Oxford St, ロンドン, Greater London
デパート · West End · 134個のヒントとレビュー

LondonistLondonist: Check out the Barbara Hepworth sculpture on the eastern outer wall.

Camden Town is one of London as a local.

62. Camden Town

ロンドン, Greater London
地域 · 146個のヒントとレビュー

Fionners G.Fionners G: Markets, bars, cafes and shopping!

Camden Lock Market is one of London as a local.

63. Camden Lock Market

54-56 Camden Lock Pl, ロンドン, Greater London
市場 · Primrose Hill · 451個のヒントとレビュー

Emma H.Emma Harrison: Lovely place to hang out with friends and meet cool Camden types

ウェンブリー・スタジアム is one of London as a local.

64. ウェンブリー・スタジアム

(Wembley Stadium)
South Way, ウェンブリー, Greater London
競技場 · 316個のヒントとレビュー

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: The new stadium is the second biggest in Europe behind Barcelona’s Camp Nou, but has the most toilets of any stadium in the world! (2618) The first concert held here was George Michael in 2007.

65. Joe Allen

2 Burleigh St (Strand Palace Hotel), ロンドン, Greater London
アメリカ料理店 · Charing Cross · 61個のヒントとレビュー

Peter S.Peter Sigrist: Ask for the burger. It is off menu, but always available, and it's the best in London!

Primrose Hill is one of London as a local.

66. Primrose Hill

Primrose Hill Rd, ロンドン, Greater London
公園 · Primrose Hill · 233個のヒントとレビュー

LCLC: For the best view of London walk to the top of Primrose Hill... sunrise, sunset - lovely!

Clapham Common is one of London as a local.

67. Clapham Common

Windmill Dr, ロンドン, Greater London
公園 · Clapham Common · 52個のヒントとレビュー

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: In 1768 Benjamin Franklin, American statesman and Founding Father, conducted experiments in Mount Pond including pouring oil onto the water to examine how liquids behave. Anglers were not amused.

Battersea Park is one of London as a local.

68. Battersea Park

Albert Bridge Rd, ロンドン, Greater London
公園 · Battersea · 86個のヒントとレビュー

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: Behind the Pump House is a statue of a brown dog. In 1985 it replaced the original, removed in 1910 when it became a focus of riots between medical students and animal rights campaigners.

グリニッジ天文台 is one of London as a local.

69. グリニッジ天文台

(Royal Observatory)
Blackheath Ave, ロンドン, Greater London
天文台 · Greenwich West · 93個のヒントとレビュー

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: The home of Greenwich Mean Time, and therefore where each day and year commences. The Observatory’s original function was to improve sea navigation through knowledge of astronomy.

Brick Lane Market is one of London as a local.

70. Brick Lane Market

91 Brick Ln, ロンドン, Greater London
市場 · Spitalfields and Banglatown · 183個のヒントとレビュー

Tim T.Tim Talbot: Have a wander down Brick Lane on a Sunday and take in the colourful sights and eclectic smells. All sorts of little stalls to nibble away at, alongside vintage fashion and unusual bric a brac

St Martin's Theatre is one of London as a local.

71. St Martin's Theatre

West St, ロンドン, Greater London
劇場 · Holborn and Covent Garden · 35個のヒントとレビュー The longest-running show in British Theatre History, Agatha Christie's play has featured Richard Attenborough and his wife Sheila Sim amongst its 382 cast members to date. 続きを読む

ロイヤル・アルバート・ホール is one of London as a local.

72. ロイヤル・アルバート・ホール

(Royal Albert Hall)
Kensington Gore, ロンドン, Greater London
コンサートホール · Knightsbridge and Belgravia · 217個のヒントとレビュー

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: The acoustics here were once so bad, it was said this was the only venue where a composer could be sure of hearing his work twice. It was corrected in 1969 by putting diffusing discs on the ceiling.

O2 Academy Brixton is one of London as a local.

73. O2 Academy Brixton

211 Stockwell Rd, Brixton, Greater London
音楽関係 · 147個のヒントとレビュー

Shelley K.Shelley Keable: Best venue for a gig by far. Nice and intimate!

Grand Union is one of London as a local.

74. Grand Union

123 Acre Ln, Brixton, Greater London
パブ · 43個のヒントとレビュー

David D.David Darkins: Awesome venue, don't be fooled by it's location. The outdoors is good fun and the place normally brings in an interesting set of people.

Sanderson Hotel is one of London as a local.

75. Sanderson Hotel

50 Berners St, ロンドン, Greater London
ホテル · West End · 79個のヒントとレビュー

NOWNESSNOWNESS: London: Our beloved Philippe Starck designed the interiors of this posh hotel. 続きを読む

Cafe Boheme is one of London as a local.

76. Cafe Boheme

13 Old Compton St, ロンドン, Greater London
フランス料理店 · Soho · 104個のヒントとレビュー

Barry H.Barry Heard: seat yourself outside, order at the bar, and take in the fun people watching!

Lantana Cafe is one of London as a local.

77. Lantana Cafe

13 Charlotte Pl (at Goodge St), Fitzrovia, Greater London
コーヒーショップ · Fitzrovia · 221個のヒントとレビュー

Martina S.Martina Schell: Great baristas who remember how you like your coffee.

Madame Tussauds is one of London as a local.

78. Madame Tussauds

Marylebone Rd, Marylebone, Greater London
博物館 · Marylebone · 433個のヒントとレビュー

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: Marie Tussaud, born in Strasbourg in 1761, made her first wax figure of the great French philosopher Voltaire in 1777. She opened a museum in London in 1835.

Portobello Road Market is one of London as a local.

79. Portobello Road Market

Portobello Rd, ロンドン, Greater London
市場 · Kensington and Chelsea · 348個のヒントとレビュー

Louis VuittonLouis Vuitton: In this colourful antique and flee market with over 2000 stalls on Saturdays, there are so many wonderful bargain finds to be made!

The Anchor is one of London as a local.

80. The Anchor

34 Park St, ロンドン, Greater London
パブ · South Bank · 129個のヒントとレビュー

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: This 18th century pub stands on the site of an earlier inn used by playwrights and actors of The Globe theatre. From here Samuel Pepys watched the Great Fire of 1666 destroy the city on the far bank.

Abbey Road Studios is one of London as a local.

81. Abbey Road Studios

3 Abbey Rd (Garden Rd), ロンドン, Greater London
レコーディングスタジオ · Abbey Road · 60個のヒントとレビュー

Music Heritage UKMusic Heritage UK: Probably London's most famous music heritage site. Made famous by the Beatles but plenty of other historic acts have recorded here too. 続きを読む

The Ritz London is one of London as a local.

82. The Ritz London

150 Piccadilly, ロンドン, Greater London
ホテル · Green Park · 124個のヒントとレビュー

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: The hotel opened in 1904, named after the Swiss hotelier César Ritz who also opened Ritz hotels in Paris (1898) and Madrid (1910). He was known as ‘king of hoteliers, hotelier to kings’.

ハロッズ is one of London as a local.

83. ハロッズ

87-135 Brompton Rd, ロンドン, Greater London
デパート · Kensington and Chelsea · 1112個のヒントとレビュー

LondonistLondonist: Check out the Diana and Dodi shrine on the basement level of the Egyptian stair case.

Punch & Judy is one of London as a local.

84. Punch & Judy

40 The Market, Covent Garden, Greater London
パブ · City of Westminster · 64個のヒントとレビュー

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: In his diary for 1662 Samuel Pepys makes the first written record of a Punch and Judy show in Britain, by an Italian puppet showman. It was performed under the east portico of St.Paul’s Church

The All England Lawn Tennis & Croquet Club is one of London as a local.

85. The All England Lawn Tennis & Croquet Club

Church Rd (at Somerset Rd), Wimbledon, Greater London
テニスクラブ · Wimbledon, · 65個のヒントとレビュー

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: The oldest tennis tournament in the world was first played here in 1877. It was won by an Old Harrovian racquets player named Spencer Gore in front of a crowd of 200, paying a shilling entrance each.

Chinatown is one of London as a local.

86. Chinatown

ロンドン, Greater London
地域 · 135個のヒントとレビュー

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: Soho is home to Europe’s largest Chinatown, which developed in the 1970s. Earlier generations of London’s Chinese population had centred around the docks of Limehouse.

The World's End is one of London as a local.

87. The World's End

174 High St, Camden Town, Greater London
パブ · Camden Town · 105個のヒントとレビュー

Thrash HitsThrash Hits: It's not just a meeting place before descending into the Underworld, it's also a great pub. It's also massive so it's not the best meeting place. 続きを読む

Bank of England Museum is one of London as a local.

88. Bank of England Museum

Bartholomew Ln, ロンドン, Greater London
博物館 · City of London · 22個のヒントとレビュー

AlenaAlena: Did u know the author of The Windows in the Willows was a Secretary of The Bank of England?

ZSL London Zoo is one of London as a local.

89. ZSL London Zoo

Regent's Park Outer Circle, ロンドン, Greater London
動物園 · 167個のヒントとレビュー

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: London Zoo was opened for Fellows of the Zoological Society of London in 1828, only opening to the public in 1847 to aid funding. It currently houses 755 species of animal.

London Transport Museum is one of London as a local.

90. London Transport Museum

Covent Garden Piazza, ロンドン, Greater London
博物館 · City of Westminster · 128個のヒントとレビュー

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: This museum houses more than 80 vehicles including the first tubes, horse-drawn trams and the earliest motorised buses, plus iconic posters from the last 100 years.

91. Barbican Centre

Silk St, ロンドン, Greater London
舞台芸術 · Barbican · 155個のヒントとレビュー
Gordon Ramsay at Claridge's is one of London as a local.

92. Gordon Ramsay at Claridge's

Brook St., ロンドン, Greater London
レストラン · Mayfair · 33個のヒントとレビュー

BravoBravo: Fun, delicious, glamorous and one of the most fashionable haunts in town. An excellent dining experience from the master chef himself. -Catherine Ommanney, Real Housewives of DC

Kensington Gardens is one of London as a local.

93. Kensington Gardens

Kensington Rd (Bayswater Rd), ロンドン, Greater London
公園 · Knightsbridge and Belgravia · 180個のヒントとレビュー

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: ‘Billionaires Boulevard’ tells you all you need to know about local property prices. Indian steel magnate Lakshmi Mittal, the richest man in Europe, bought Nos.18-19 for £70 million in 2005.

The Euston Tap is one of London as a local.

94. The Euston Tap

190 Euston Rd, ロンドン, Greater London
ビールバー · Euston · 199個のヒントとレビュー

LondonistLondonist: Go now. Oh god, go now. This place is incredible, but is far too small once the commuting crowds know about it.

Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese is one of London as a local.

95. Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese

145 Fleet St (at Whitefriars St), ロンドン, Greater London
パブ · City of London · 165個のヒントとレビュー

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: Opening shortly after the Great Fire, this ancient pub was regularly visited by Dr Johnson when he was taking a break from writing the first English dictionary, at his home in nearby Gough Square.

Benihana is one of London as a local.

96. Benihana

37 Sackville St, ロンドン, Greater London
和食店 · Mayfair · 50個のヒントとレビュー

HatemHatem: Make sure to ask the 'special menu' as it's a fraction of the cost of the normal menu. Available Sunday to Friday.

wagamama is one of London as a local.

97. wagamama

16-18 high street, Kingston, Greater London
アジア料理店 · 22個のヒントとレビュー

SunilSunil: You can get free green tea when ordering a meal

Portobello Road Market is one of London as a local.

98. Portobello Road Market

Portobello Rd, ロンドン, Greater London
市場 · Kensington and Chelsea · 348個のヒントとレビュー

ToryBurchToryBurch: Spend the morning poring over the vintage jewelry and unique antiques, and explore Notting Hill afterward.

ナショナル・ポートレート・ギャラリー is one of London as a local.

99. ナショナル・ポートレート・ギャラリー

(National Portrait Gallery)
St. Martin's Pl, ロンドン, Greater London
アートギャラリー · Piccadilly · 192個のヒントとレビュー

ToryBurchToryBurch: This must-see museum houses over 160,000 portraits of famous Brits (think Mick Jagger, Queen Victoria) dating back to the 16th century. It also is home to a trove of Cecil Beaton images.

Terrace Bar & Food is one of London as a local.

100. Terrace Bar & Food

Upper Ground, ロンドン, Greater London
レストラン · South Bank · 8個のヒントとレビュー

Filip H.Filip Hnízdo: Gorgeous and often quiet place to sit and drink with friends after dark if it's warm.

The Portrait Restaurant by Richard Corrigan is one of London as a local.

101. The Portrait Restaurant by Richard Corrigan

St. Martin's Pl (Trafalgar Sq), ロンドン, Greater London
カフェ · Piccadilly · 20個のヒントとレビュー

snarklesnarkle: Brilliant views over the rooftops of London towards Big Ben & the Houses of Parliament.

ウェンブリー・スタジアム is one of London as a local.

102. ウェンブリー・スタジアム

(Wembley Stadium)
South Way, ウェンブリー, Greater London
競技場 · 316個のヒントとレビュー
Bloomsbury Square is one of London as a local.

103. Bloomsbury Square

Bloomsbury Sq, Bloomsbury, Greater London
公園 · 19個のヒントとレビュー

Lee M.Lee McIntosh: Perfect in the summer to just sit, chill out, read a book or whatever for a whole morning or afternoon in the sun :)

About Thyme Bar & Bistro is one of London as a local.

104. About Thyme Bar & Bistro

82 Wilton Rd, ロンドン, Greater London
地中海料理店 · City of Westminster · 17個のヒントとレビュー
Nobu is one of London as a local.

105. Nobu

15 Berkeley St, ロンドン, Greater London
和食店 · Mayfair · 209個のヒントとレビュー

BravoBravo: Love Nobu. -Michaele Salahi, Real Housewives of DC

ROKA is one of London as a local.

106. ROKA

37 Charlotte St (Percy St), ロンドン, Greater London
和食店 · Fitzrovia · 273個のヒントとレビュー

Tim J.Tim Jones: Amazing, go for the tasting menu and make sure you're hungry.

Matsuri St James is one of London as a local.

107. Matsuri St James

15 Bury St, ロンドン, Greater London
和食店 · Piccadilly · 30個のヒントとレビュー

108. Kiraku

8 Station Parade (Uxbridge Rd.), ロンドン, Greater London
和食店 · West Acton · 20個のヒントとレビュー

Phil L.Phil Leung: Marinated tuna set with half udon. Excellent lunch!

Dim T is one of London as a local.

109. Dim T

3 Heath St (Perrin's Ln), Hampstead, Greater London
飲茶・点心レストラン · 11個のヒントとレビュー
Flat White is one of London as a local.

110. Flat White

17 Berwick St (near Broadwick St), ロンドン, Greater London
コーヒーショップ · Soho · 214個のヒントとレビュー

Financial TimesFinancial Times: Flat White opened in Soho in 2005 and was the first of a new wave of coffee shops in London to champion the Antipodean way of starting the day... 続きを読む

Lantana Cafe is one of London as a local.

111. Lantana Cafe

13 Charlotte Pl (at Goodge St), Fitzrovia, Greater London
コーヒーショップ · Fitzrovia · 221個のヒントとレビュー

University of WestminsterUniversity of Westminster: Highly recommended coffee shop just off of Goodge Street.

Scandinavian Kitchen is one of London as a local.

112. Scandinavian Kitchen

61 Great Titchfield St, ロンドン, Greater London
スカンジナビア料理店 · West End · 95個のヒントとレビュー

University of WestminsterUniversity of Westminster: Meet UK and International students here - not just Scandanavians!

Marine Ices is one of London as a local.

113. Marine Ices

8 Haverstock Hill (at Adelaide Rd.), ロンドン, Greater London
アイスクリームパーラー · Chalk Farm · 26個のヒントとレビュー
polka gelato is one of London as a local.

114. polka gelato

45 Warren St (at Fitzroy St), ロンドン, Greater London
アイスクリームパーラー · Fitzrovia · 8個のヒントとレビュー
Kensington Roof Gardens is one of London as a local.

115. Kensington Roof Gardens

99 Kensington High St (Derry St), ロンドン, Greater London
カクテルバー · Queen's Gate · 78個のヒントとレビュー

HISTORY UKHISTORY UK: At 1.5 acres Kensington Roof gardens is the largest roof garden in the whole of Europe. The gardens have been owned by Richard Branson's Virgin group since 1981.

Ladurée is one of London as a local.

116. Ladurée

87-135 Brompton Rd (Food Hall, Ground Fl.), ロンドン, Greater London
洋菓子店 · Kensington and Chelsea · 177個のヒントとレビュー

Harrods of LondonHarrods of London: A sumptuous destination for afternoon tea and macaroons.

Asakusa is one of London as a local.

117. Asakusa

265 Eversholt St, ロンドン, Greater London
和食店 · 78個のヒントとレビュー

Laurent F.Laurent Fintoni: Best, and most honest, Japanese spot in town. It really is like being in an izakaya in Tokyo.