Appin Technology Lab Airports
Old City Hall is one of Appin Technology Lab Airports.

1. Old City Hall

501 Chestnut St (at 5th St), フィラデルフィア, PA
歴史博物館 · Center City East · 11個のヒントとレビュー

HISTORYHISTORY: The U.S. Supreme Court met here from 1791, when the building was finished, to 1800, when America’s capital moved from Philadelphia to Washington.

Congress Hall is one of Appin Technology Lab Airports.

2. Congress Hall

Chestnut St (at 6th St), フィラデルフィア, PA
史跡と保護遺跡 · Center City East · 13個のヒントとレビュー

HISTORYHISTORY: Built in 1789 as the Philadelphia County Courthouse, this was where the U.S. Congress met from 1790 to 1800, when Philadelphia was America’s capital. In 1791, the Bill of Rights was ratified here.

3. Barker Hangar

3021 Airport Ave (Bundy), サンタモニカ, CA
イベントスペース · 14個のヒントとレビュー

VH1VH1: Check-in to the Do Something Awards, use #DSAwards to tweet and WATCH the show Tuesday, August 21 at 9/8c on VH1!

ペンタゴン is one of Appin Technology Lab Airports.

4. ペンタゴン

(The Pentagon)
1400 Defense, アーリントン, VA
行政施設 · The Pentagon · 98個のヒントとレビュー

HISTORYHISTORY: Lt. Col. Hugh Tracey and architect George Bergstrom conceived this building's five-corner design during a feverish summer weekend early in World War II.

Elvis Presley's Birth Place and Museum is one of Appin Technology Lab Airports.

5. Elvis Presley's Birth Place and Museum

306 Elvis Presley Dr, テューペロ, MS
博物館 · 22個のヒントとレビュー

HISTORYHISTORY: Elvis Aaron Presley was born on Jan. 9, 1935, in this two-room house built by his father and grandfather. The Presleys lived here only two years before tight finances forced them to move.

875 North Michigan Avenue is one of Appin Technology Lab Airports.

6. 875 North Michigan Avenue

875 N Michigan Ave (btwn Delaware Pl & Chestnut St), シカゴ, IL
構造物 · Streeterville · 206個のヒントとレビュー

HISTORYHISTORY: One of Chicago’s tallest buildings, this 100-story structure opened in 1970 and rises 1,127 feet above the ground.

7. リンカーン記念館

(Lincoln Memorial)
2 Lincoln Memorial Circle NW (btwn Constitution & Independence Ave SW), Washington, D.C.
モニュメント · Southwest Washington · 471個のヒントとレビュー

Michelin Travel & LifestyleMichelin Travel & Lifestyle: Need a fun way to get around? Bike and Roll offers several different day & night bicycle (and segway) tours. Bikes, helmets, water & a snack are included in the price of the tour.-- Green Guide Editor

8. Metro Center Metro Station

607 13th St NW (at 12th St), Washington, D.C.
地下鉄駅 · 84個のヒントとレビュー

Michelin Travel & LifestyleMichelin Travel & Lifestyle: The Metrorail and Metrobus are clean, efficient and dependable. Benefit from discounts and avoid the recent paper farecard surcharge with a refillable SmarTrip Card -- Green Guide Editor

9. National Gallery of Art - Sculpture Garden

Constitution Ave NW (at 7th St NW), Washington, D.C.
彫刻庭園 · Northwest Washington · 93個のヒントとレビュー

Michelin Travel & LifestyleMichelin Travel & Lifestyle: Need more activities? The wknd section in the Fri edition of the Washington Post lists entertainment & special events for children. -- Green Guide Editor

10. United States Botanic Garden

100 Maryland Ave SW (Independence Ave), Washington, D.C.
植物園 · Southwest Washington · 111個のヒントとレビュー

Michelin Travel & LifestyleMichelin Travel & Lifestyle: Visiting the museums? Security's tightened; many require visitors to pass through metal detectors & have bags searched. Some sites may limit which items may be carried inside. -- Green Guide Editor

11. Dupont Circle

1 DuPont Cir NW (at Connecticut Ave NW), Washington, D.C.
公園 · Northwest Washington · 144個のヒントとレビュー

Michelin Travel & LifestyleMichelin Travel & Lifestyle: DC establishments can serve alcoholic beverages to proof-bearing 21 year olds+, M-TH 8am–2am, F-S 8am–3am & Sun 10am–2am. Beer and wine can be purchased in some stores 7 days/wk. -- Green Guide Editor