Lawrence Food Favs!
Zen Zero is one of Lawrence Food Favs!.

1. Zen Zero

811 Massachusetts St, ローレンス, KS
アジア料理店 · 41個のヒントとレビュー
Yokohama is one of Lawrence Food Favs!.

2. Yokohama

811 New Hampshire St (btwn 8th & 9th St.), ローレンス, KS
寿司屋 · 33個のヒントとレビュー
Dempsey's Burger Pub is one of Lawrence Food Favs!.

3. Dempsey's Burger Pub

623 Vermont St (at 6th St.), ローレンス, KS
ハンバーガーレストラン · 56個のヒントとレビュー
A.B.'s Coffee and Crepes is one of Lawrence Food Favs!.

4. A.B.'s Coffee and Crepes

17 W 9th St (Mass), ローレンス, KS
朝食スポット · Oread · 4個のヒントとレビュー

Alex R.Alex Rausch: Make sure to call and check if they're open before you make the trip - strange hours!

Jade Garden is one of Lawrence Food Favs!.

5. Jade Garden

1410 Kasold Dr A13 (Kasold and Bob Billings/15th), ローレンス, KS
ベトナム料理店 · Sunset Hills · 17個のヒントとレビュー

Alex R.Alex Rausch: Bring someone who speaks Chinese and get the food from the real Chinese menu - great food when you get it like this!

Tortas Jalisco is one of Lawrence Food Favs!.

6. Tortas Jalisco

534 Frontier Rd (at 6th St), ローレンス, KS
メキシコ料理店 · 170個のヒントとレビュー

Alex R.Alex Rausch: Get the chips and salsa - they may charge for them, but well worth the price!

ingredient restaurant is one of Lawrence Food Favs!.

7. ingredient restaurant

947 Massachusetts St (at 10th St.), ローレンス, KS
サラダ料理店 · Oread · 25個のヒントとレビュー

Alex R.Alex Rausch: More than just breakfast - BBQ pizza is kick ass!

Fiorella's Jack Stack Barbecue is one of Lawrence Food Favs!.

8. Fiorella's Jack Stack Barbecue

101 W 22nd St (btwn Baltimore Ave & Wyandotte St), カンザスシティ, MO
焼肉 / バーベキュー料理店 · 224個のヒントとレビュー

Alex R.Alex Rausch: Make the trip - get the "Dinner for Two" (RIBS!) with cheesy potatoes, baked beans and corn pudding stuff, you won't be sorry and its the right price for how great it is!

Skies Restaurant is one of Lawrence Food Favs!.

9. Skies Restaurant

2345 McGee St (at Hyatt Regency Crown Center), カンザスシティ, MO
アメリカ料理店 · 10個のヒントとレビュー

Alex R.Alex Rausch: Since you're getting Jack Stack anyway, get a drink on top of the Hyatt with some cheesecake, well worth it! Food is good too here, but a little pricy.

Esquina is one of Lawrence Food Favs!.

10. Esquina

801 Massachusetts St, ローレンス, KS
タパスレストラン · 25個のヒントとレビュー