The haunts, hovels, and hotels of agency insiders. Send suggestions to
1. IPG | Mediabrands
140 Proof: Visit the Living Room of the Future.
2. Omnicom Media Group
140 Proof: OMG, it's OMG!
3. Google New York
140 Proof: I'm Feeling Lucky.
4. Spark Foundry
5. PHD Media
140 Proof: Try the garden-fresh ads here.
6. Big Spaceship
140 Proof: Say hi to Michael Lebowitz!
7. 360i
8. BBDO NY - Central Filing
Chad Stoller: hey. don't forget to buy your tickets. joe may be getting squeezed!
9. Mindshare
Beth Mach: Bring the security and reception cookies!!
10. Carat North America
sɐןoɥɔıu ןǝɐɥɔıɯ: Cafe on 14 is a great place to work. Make sure you keep an eye on the clock... They stop serving at 3:59.
11. Landor
140 Proof: Taste the branding.
12. Organic, Inc.
140 Proof: Rumor has it that the original Organic (SF) employee handbook included the warning: No Smoking Weed On The Roof (Unless A Manager Is Present).
13. TargetCast tcm
John Manoogian III: Check out AMC's Breaking Bad (a TargetCast / 140 Proof customer!)
14. IPG Media Lab
Chad Stoller: Bring me coffee.
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