1 リスト作成 · 9 Tips
Luxembourgのリストをすべて見る 39 更新されたスポット 12月 21, 2019
39スポット ЛЮБИМЫЙ ДЯДЯ, Sushi Ogasang, The Brow Bar, Den Gamle By を含む
38 更新されたスポット
38スポット Honey, HONEY, HONEY, My Muffin Cakes&Coffee を含む
36 更新されたスポット
36スポット Den Gamle By, Lady Pi-Pi, Aire de Toul Dommartin, Total を含む
Usoltseva さんのリスト Usoltseva さんが作成したリスト Usoltsevaさんがフォロー中のリスト
"Awful everything. The worst sushi in my whole life. Never again! People who give good score- what are you doing? Have you ever tried how the normal sushi and good sushi taste like??? Shame on cooks!"
"Very tasty food and very kind personnel. Merci beaucoup for the nice evening! :-D"
"We liked the food, the meals' choice and the interior design but service could be muuuuch better."
"Very big burgers - I have not managed to eat mine to the end... but they are tasty"
"Best prices for food and goods in Luxembourg!"
"Food at this place is better than we expected. The score 7.8 is totally appropriate. Thank you very much! We will come back!"