7 更新されたスポット
7スポット Klunkerkranich, Mariannenplatz, Warwick Arts Centre, Oma Pâtisserie Bistrô を含む
Pedro さんのリストPedro さんが作成したリストPedroさんがフォロー中のリスト
"Great place, great atmosphere, great view."
"It is NOT the best burger ever. It is just above average. Certainly better than a fast food, but not really a foodie choice. Underwhelming."
"Amazing restaurant. Creative menu, nice atmosphere. The only downside is that service is a bit slow sometimes, so go there with enoughtime."
"Great place. Good ice cream, nice atmosphere. The perfect spot to chill, meet friends or just have a break."
"Superb. This is the definition of a good value place. You get amazing taste in classic recipes all for a quite good price. The staff is also great."