"Cozy atmosphere and delicious food."
"Mala a utulna zoo. Ale ve stylu vekslackejch budek z 90. let. Obcerstveni uplnej humus. Prepalenej olej je cejtit az do Jablonce."
"I expected something special. It is just an ordinary local restaurant where no language but Czech is spoken (although the majority of guests were foreigners). The food is OK, but the staff terrible."
· チェコ共和国マリアーンスケー・ラーズニェ
7.3"Nejlepsi restaurace v Třeboni. Ceny jsou vyssi, ale odpovidaji kvalite jidla, servisu, i prostredi."
"Dost dobry rizky za dost dobry ceny."
"Nefiltrovany lezak je moc dobry."