"Home to Mashable's Social Media Day 2014!"
"When the line is craziest, real pros pay for their salad while it's waiting to be chopped."
"Order the roasted eggplant and get ready for a table-side preparation that brings you straight back to the old country."
"Paul's a little older & his latest endeavor shows it. Not in a bad way of course - the decor oozes leisure & the crowd is top notch for people watching. So it's not upstairs at Beatrice, but what is?"
"Art, artifacts, drawings, photographs, and instruments documenting MIT's role in 19th- and 20th- century science and technology"
"Clover Food Lab is a fast food chain, founded in 2008 by MIT material science graduate and Harvard MBA Ayr Muir, which operates through food trucks and restaurant"
· アメリカ合衆国ケンブリッジ