2 更新されたスポット
2スポット Perro Salado, Farm Burger を含む
14 更新されたスポット
14スポット Smokehouse Cafe, Frenchy's Rockaway Grill, Laishley Crab House, ins Fischernetz を含む
Lou さんのリストLou さんが作成したリストLouさんがフォロー中のリスト
"Great place to take a break...ice cream is great..huge servings"
"Great old brewery downstairs...english on the menu"
"New connecter from B terminal to C terminal is open....If your in B dont go to C...its sad...If your in C leave now...go to B as fast as you can!!"
"If you visit bring beer"
自宅 (個人)
· Middletown, アメリカ合衆国
"Lower level has security screening to get into airport...no one in line!!!!"
"Shipyard has a bar downstairs in baggage claim...good place to wait for pick ups!"