This store is a little neater than the one less than 5 minutes up the road. Expect cheap prices and terrible customer service
If the line is long in Ladies, try Kids! No one is ever over there!
Gay hispanic that works here is an asshole. Avoid at all costs.
Check out our favorite bloggers' fall picks from H&M through Nov-8th.
Northern H&M's are soo much better. =(
Slow cashiers and long ass lines all day long -_______-
Really great prices
Go online before u come and find associate to find what u want easier
These shoes r horrible
Good tip samantha no cue in the kids department
Womens side is a mess !
Welcome to H&M! 35 people waiting to pay, 2 registers open!
Best place to buy stylish clothes inexpensively
After u get yer pretty clothes go to and wear them to a show!!!
When you finish shopping, listen to Play 98.7!! :)
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