11 更新されたスポット
11スポット Storyville Coffee Company, Samurai Noodle, Alki Masonic Center, Samurai Noodle を含む
44 更新されたスポット
44スポット Burger Express, Fred Meyer, The Wurst Place, Roxbury Lanes を含む
Jim さんのリストJim さんが作成したリストJimさんがフォロー中のリスト
"Slow smoked chicken pork and brisket. And veggie / vegan burger options. Last place in the UD frat boy and slutty ladies free."
"Our go to place to decompress after Coachella. The deluxe units are worth the few extra points."
"Check out fresh beer selections on tap!"
"Check out the lunch truck 'Maranation' on Thursdays voted best in America."
"This place is a true gem. Super friendly with ambiance to spare. Two thums way up!"
"Once you are waiting be nice and turn your lights off :-)"