13 更新されたスポット
13スポット Brioni, Partners le bar, Τρελός Γάιδαρος, Tailor Made を含む
114 更新されたスポット
114スポット εξωμεριά, Ήταν ένα μικρό καράβι..., MAYOU All-day bar, Μεζεδοπωλείο Δυο Χωριά を含む
Ifigeneia さんのリストIfigeneia さんが作成したリストIfigeneiaさんがフォロー中のリスト
"Not suitable for you dog lovers. Although Golden Hall is pet friendly, I was just kicked out from this places' outdoor balcony as I was accompanied by my westie. In a friendly manner though :-)"
"Best Asian restaurant in Voula! Great tastes, cosy atmosphere and value for money."
"Amazing Atmosphere! Try the Dover Sole and Rib-Eye. Good for late supper as well!"
"Κλασσικό Ιταλικό εστιατόριο με παραδοσιακές "βαριές" γεύσεις! Myst try: rigatoni 4 τυριά, spaghetti parmigiano & κρέας που ψήνεις στην πέτρα."
· Παλαιό Φάληρο, ギリシャ共和国
8.5"What's not to love? Unique garments and accessories, hand-picked by Giorgia herself at fair prices. You 'll find all hot items of any season here!!"
"Great cocktails and interesting food. Smoke-free atmosphere at dinner area. Spinach soup with poached egg and truffle, MUST try!"