"Join KroCSL, an organization of Kronshage, Cole, Sullivan, and Leopold Residence Halls and plan trips, speakers, or other educational opportunities from the comfort of your new home."
"Don't miss the one-of-a-kind greenhouse on the fourth floor in this new residence hall dedicated to ecology and sustainability."
"Come back in fall 2013 when Carson's re-opens after its extensive renovations are complete!"
"Feeling under the weather? Visit the University Health Services (UHS) satellite clinic near the east entrance on the first floor."
"Don't be shy: try fresh sushi made completely in-house at Maki-Mono & Noodles, then take your delectables outside to the terrace, grass, or American Indian Fire Circle overlooking Lake Mendota."
"Check out the enticing glass sunroom or the cobblestone terrace overlooking Lake Mendota for natural beauty during your meal, studying, or just for fun."